Blitz is broken from 1400 - 1600 CR

This space is just a deadzone, it needs to be fixed.


Meh. Had some of my worst matches at 2000mmr and some of my best at 1400mmr.


Meanwhile me in a game with 2000+ players and players below 900 MMR.

Rating’s a total joke lol.

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If they stopped the Blitz PRE MADES, farming folks selling the 1600 gear token that would solve many of the issues.


Such a strange variance of experiences. I moved through that bracket 3 times without issue. Once on my main and twice on my alt after a dc cost me 220 points.

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How are people even that low?

Watching my buddies play Blitz at 2200 right now, its mostly messed up below 1600… ALOT of people after that gear token, shady stuff too.


I ask myself that too every time I queue it and get teams with players that are legit worse than bots while I’ll have a 4-5 game loss streak.

My ratios in every other game modes aren’t that bad at all. It’s honestly confusing.

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about 39% of the population is in that band

only about 17% are =<1600 now.

cause you’re playing a tank with (even more) broken mmr

Oh hey buddy, you’re still clinging to any excuse as to why you can’t escape 1500 huh?

If tank mmr was truly broken, you would see a lot more at higher rating, and yet you don’t. You would also see the people who care about nothing but rating abusing it to get high cr, and yet you don’t. Keep telling yourself whatever to need to so that you can sleep at night though.

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You believe you are top 4 in the world dude? cause I don’t.
If you’re that good you should be able to get glad on any other spec, or at least duelist. You say you broke out multiple times in blitz but all these alts are prot wars right?

So, here’s the thing.

A lot of people, when they don’t enjoy a thing. they don’t do that thing.

I don’t play anything besides tanks, and they don’t fair well in arena/shuffle. That and I despise playing anything that is meta or fotm. Also I never truly liked the mode or RBG’s because it was toxic and very cliquey at high rating.

The only reason I did any arena this season is because an old rl friend of mine wanted to cap points, and Feral/Prot is a pretty garbage comp, especially because he didn’t even have full honor gear at the time. I think I played less than 10 games.

Again, feel free to tell yourself that the rating I am sitting at is unearned due mmr, or me being a tank. Your thoughts and feelings are meaningless to me.

I missed this part so I am editing it in. Yes my alt is Prot. Its mid 1700 range right now due to having to hit that rating twice after dcing. Ask yourself though, if it were so easy, where are all the other high rated prots? If you look at the standings there are certainly enough out there.

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i just got out of a match at 1500 and we didnt kill a single player lol im not even sure how that happens. in ab. like WTH is this? i dont really care i think its a giant joke but still…wth?

Ok well then, I will if you keep bringing it up. You’ve posted you keep breaking out. Problem is you then admit you are only playing various Prot alts and don’t have much competitive pvp experience. Yeah I’m gonna post that it looks like some broken MMR bull. You didn’t answer the question either, do you believe you are top 4 prot in the world? And you refuse to talk about your actual rating and pvp ratings in other modes. It seems like you are sub 1k in them.

You said you “give team advice and play objs”. This took you to 2k in blitz overnight? Higher than every other Prot in solo shuffle right now (highest is 1800) plus you haven’t even gone to 2k ever before on a toon? Its exactly proof of the point that people aren’t where they should be.

Feral, Unholy, and I believe Arms above 2k years ago.


This was done in 2v2 and 3v3. By the time Shuffle rolled around I was only playing Blood, and stopped after the getting the Elite set at 1800 a couple season.

I didn’t say advice, I said positivity. What makes you say “overnight”? It took me about 2 weeks I believe.

What does Shuffle rating have to do with Blitz? If you aren’t aware Shuffle is very deflated right due to being mmr capped, with glads rolling around in the 2k area.

Umm, a simple glance at checkpvp will show you otherwise.

You know some of that actually clears your posts up if you are actually good. Doubt parts of it somewhat but I’l leave some of it. However you are wrong about Blitz score.

And yet I’m much higher in shuffle very easily, just played my first game since token because I wasn’t moving in Blitz. Smashed a game 5:1 at 1700. So you’re saying my actual Shuffle rating should be like 1900 (or even higher if I try) but I’m “where I should be” in blitz at 1500 moving literally 7 points up and down each game lol. It’s not working dude.

Okay my dude, it says you have only played 26 games. Is this true?


Yes, and on Solo Shuffle I played like 10 games and just shot straight up. It seems the system is working there. (Last season was 2100ish so it keeps pushing me higher for now).

I can’t even move DOWN in Blitz. The original post in here calling it a “deadzone” seems to be the perfect description.
I don’t even think I could try and tank it like a smurf, which is proof it’s based on other factors like the luck of the team you are placed in.

It does move me higher on a win I think, but generally its single digit movement.
“Just play 1000 games lol”

You can just see it, player skill levels are all over the place here, I saw someone disconnect and come back midgame for example. This garbage shouldn’t even be 1k. None of these people tank on the loss, its all just +10 / -10 along with the team.

You can see one working and the other not.