Blitz is broken from 1400 - 1600 CR

yeah dude… or how many frost DKs you have on ur team.

I don’t think people understand the issue of what is happening at entry level MMR right now.

I just had a match where I was on my ret paladin (9W 3L) and got placed on a 1278 team vs a 1402 team. I was almost certainly the highest personal MMR person on our team, which means I was bringing our team MMR UP TO 1278.

So, there is tremendous pressure on me to help carry the team, and if I lose… I lose a ton because the enemy team is also far below my MMR. This type of match is just a total set up to totally trash your progress.

I looked up the win rates of the people on my team in the lobby. Here they are.

10-18 (healer)
9-16 (healer)

Combined W-L for my team: 55-80 41% win rate
Me: 9-3 75% win rate

The problem is that this is what is happening more often than not for my paladin and a few other characters. I can understand outliers like this every once in awhile, but this is the normal for me.

Where are the matches where I am placed in a match higher than my MMR? They don’t exist for me.

Fortunately, I won the match… but only gained 79 CR for a VERY HIGH RISK match that if I lost would have been extremely harmful to my progress and with MMR matchups like this it is just a matter of time until you get ####d.

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above 1600 gets real funky, had a match earlier where 7 players were 1600-2000 while the eighth was 900, and then the other team was 1200-1300 but it rated our team average at 1100 and the other team 1300. Don’t think that is how averages work lol.

Yes, I have seen this type of thing too… a match where nearly everyone had a solid winning record with maybe two around 50% and the team was 1400 MMR. Huh?

Way more than I’m getting lol

I honestly can’t make sense of how their rating system works. Feels more like they do a dice roll to decide what the team average rating is instead of the actual average.

My poor warrior has been winning 55-60% of his games but is having a heck of a time moving up because a win gets me little to no points while a loss is -15-20.

Only because you have played more games that me. I start losing some of these matches that are set up for failure, then I’ll be in the same exact trap.

Yes, you are consistently being placed against teams with a lower MMR than you which gives you very little room for growth.

And, for anyone who says those low rating teams should be pushovers… just in the last two days I’ve been against Mystical on his alt monk, Jellybeans (yes, the real one) on his SV hunter. I had a TOK where at least three of the enemy team were multi seasons glads/legends.

Jellybeans lost badly BTW and had zero impact on the game because even a player at that level can’t carry when his team is total trash.

the amount of intentional throwing and win trades has been brutal.

I was maintaining a 70% win average that got hammered when I crossed 1600 because all the people win trading or intentionally throwing.

Today had a rogue say he would defend Mines in BfG Blitz, a few seconds into the fight at WW I see the Mines get taken and the rogue is hiding in a random corner.

A few games later I see the same rogue on the other team and when I attacked a base he pretended to defend then says to me “bored” and runs away letting me take the base and afks nearby where I can see him. His team would have won if he hadn’t did that.

The common factor in complaints seems to be a rating close to the mean.

Like, an anomaly, a ocean storm tossing ships of players around the middle of the sea. A whirlpool like the Maelstrom at the center, catching players that attempt to cross. Sucking us down into some ELO deepholm, a graveyard of ultimate averageness.

The reason why I ask is that your first 20-25 matches are placement games, and your mmr/cr movements become more regular afterwards.

I didn’t pay attention on my main because I was unaware of the phenomenon, but for my alt it was exactly on my 21st game that I saw my mmr steadily increase. Long story short, play 10-15 more games then report back to us.

Interesting to know thanks, might be ages though because weekend break over here in OCE

Aren’t you only like 2100?

I know your memory just didnt eclipse that fast. I am 2360 in 2600 mmrs