Blitz at low rating feels so mismatched

Why do they feel so uneven? Shouldn’t both teams be equally crappy, lol. Also, the quality of healers, or lack thereof, shouldn’t so heavily determine which team gets rolled…

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Teams could be somewhat evenly matched, but the team that fails to win the first team fight may lose the whole match as the games are short. Also the team that suffers heavy casualties in the first few mins are more likely to have teammates go afk, log off, or stop trying. I had a healer find a hiding spot and afk in the first few min because no one on our team used bloodlust. It was still a close game at 7 Vs 8 players.


bg blitz blows my mind

i cant tell you how many mages/shammies/evokers i see that flat out refuse to use their time warp/lust

seriously… they have the best button in the game… and for some reason they get real snobby when u ask them to use it… and then they refuse to use it all game… its so tilting…

at this point i wish we all had bloodlust so we could actually have a chance to get it and not rely on bad players to press it

but of course… the enemy mage uses it!!! so his/her team gets a big giant haste buff for 40 seconds while i dont. super fun!!!


why is hero, or the lack of use of it, such a concern to you? do you really think one buff is the reason you’re losing?

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It should be a concern to them… since they’re being forced to team up with people at such a low Honor Level. Blizzard is allowing Honor Level 1s in Blitz.

The fact that Mages refuse to use an extremely useful group spell is only one example of terrible gameplay… and now you have people on this forum questioning the person complaining about it just proves their point.

It’s really sad that we live in a day where people are more concern defending those causing the problem… than actually pointing out the issues.

God forbid, we make an Honor Level 7 Mage without keybinds… feel bad.

Blitz is going to be a disaster… if this is allowed to continue.


It would be nice if ALL of you would go send in suggestions in game, or on Twitter… that Blizzard enforces an Honor Level 100 requirement to Blitz. I understand that Honor Level 100 is still very low… especially compared to my Honor Level 1946 (and rising) which is ranked 36th in the entire world - but it’s better than nothing… and means those people have at least done some PvP. Honor Levels 1-99 do not belong in Rated Blitz.

Blizzard does not read this forum… I’m sorry to break it to the 5 of you who live here.

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My mistake…

Honor Level 1947 now.

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Gotta factor in alts too

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Just did my first, it wasn’t a positive experience. Oh well, swing and a miss.

it takes a few matches to get used to some of the maps and when to leave a flag while it’s recharging.

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I suppose that was part of it, in retrospect we had a warrior tank but they may have expected me to carry the flag? Just seemed pretty toxic compared to randoms, we’re apparently the worst team at least one of the players ever met. Reward wasn’t worth the effort, I wouldn’t spend the armor repair cost accrued from the instance for the 200 honor I received. I think I would just be fodder in the system.

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Really? I see more trash talk in regular randoms than I do in Blitz. Even epics, which have always been notorious for trash talk, aren’t as bad for that anymore.


heck nah i see way more tilt in bg blitz lol. people saying the darndest things XD

I don’t use twit-er, but is there somewhere on this forum to provide comments blizz actually reads? It makes sense to me they’d simply read this forum, but… :dracthyr_shrug:

I think healers are mostly immune to criticism in randoms, I see the dps complaining but they usually make a point to say that the heals are fine they just mean the other dps. In epics people usually either complain about the other team or just leave, they’re actually nicer in epics than in regulars in my experience and will go so far as to thank the healers after the instances.

They were complaining before the round started, I probably shouldn’t have told them it was my first BGB. Maybe we should have healed together rather than split offensive and defensive healing, I should have probably grabbed the flag when the tank didn’t pick it up, there are a lot of what ifs but it came down to we had 4 warriors with no rdps to their no warriors and 2 rdps and I admittedly wasn’t good enough to compensate. One of the few scenarios I wished I was on my hpal.

My comment was a reaction to the last random I did where all the trash talk was against our healers. We lost every team fight we engaged in and a few folks put all the blame on our healers. When in reality opposite team probably just had a better premade/better geared people.

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If it wasn’t rated and I wasn’t so inexperienced I might blame the dps, our other healer and I top healed by a decent margin while our top dps was #4 but I didn’t play perfectly and total healing isn’t always meaningful. EDIT: I just forgot the first rule of fight club, never take an instant queue.

Wait what?! Blitz is RATED?? Seriously, new to Blitz, not trolling.

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It’s pseudo-rated, I think they’re testing the system so people are indicating that ratings are meaningful in match making but there’s nothing official.

Color me confused.