Blitz at low rating feels so mismatched

It has MMR but not CR.

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So you don’t gain or lose rating?

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Matches aren’t random where a power difference might be more easily explained.

only the cs forums but as soon as its discovered its a pvp related thread it will be moved here into the void.

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2 things I’m confused about…

  1. Why do you look like a Draenei Hell-Boy?
  2. What the heck is Blitz then?!

There is a quest line that grants additional appearance options and it will be rated in TWW but it’s currently just being tested. Part of the testing is the ratings system but it doesn’t give actual rating just match making rating (MMR).

There is no one on this forum that looks as badass as I do. :slight_smile:

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I’mma … ok buddy lol

Sorry about that, I thought he was probably trolling me for my criticism of the system which is why I was trying to redirect the conversation. Trolls used to be funny, the point was to get people to laugh at themselves not to insult in a mean way or try and make people appear stupid. I don’t respect any of the trolls on these boards, they’re just not clever

As far as Blitz… People think we want the PvE players in PvP to bolster participation but it never works out and you get tanks that think they stand there while the healer heals them or people looking to assign blame for losses before the match even starts.

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  • efc walking thru mid field with his healer by his side
  • me trying to slow efc all by myself to no avail
  • efc has already made it across entire map untouched by any1 else
  • i ask my team to kill efc
  • they dont know how to read
  • they sit in middle all game trying to kill a warrior who is 5 feet away from the rdruid healing him
  • not a single other person in the entire game even tries to go to EFC but me
  • enemy team scores for free
  • only then, will the team realize their mistake
  • team starts to flame each other
  • team still doesnt go after EFC the entire game just brainless mid fdighting to no avail
    ahh yes

bg blitz is great

cant wait till we get some real mmr / cr / rewards so maybe ppl will actually try to win

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That’s why I think rating should be based on how well the match is played rather than having it all based on winning or losing. There should be less of a rating loss if you lose a close game to an equally rated team and more of a rating loss if you get slaughtered. This would motivate people to keep trying so they lose less rating.

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Blitz is a fun and strange mode. Definetly more fun than random BG’s with better games

What’s with all the Druids using cyclone on low health enemy targets ? I mean guys/bears …come on !

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With Flag games , I have found the best way in blitz is to go for the flag yourself . Yes most of the ppl are always fighting in the mid but atleast if you have the flag the other team can’t score unopposed. As a shaman in ghost wolf mode, I can literally fly across the map in no time . I guess the same for a monk

I’m currently playing around 1850 MMR and matches are still lopsided sometimes, but usually it’s close fights. Part of it is the nature of BGs where if you lose the first engagement it can be very hard to recover and win. Certain maps are worse for this

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I have noticed three types of games.

  1. The ones that are close, you can see that everyone is random, and for me the most fun.
  2. The ones where I truly believe my teammates are bots, no communication, standing on the road, not using any defensives or cooldowns, and abysmal numbers.
  3. The ones (which are very few) where it seems like it is a sync group and they are all on discord.

There are still mismatched games at like 2200+ mmr too, I don’t think the mmr really matters too much right now. Just the other day I had a match around 2250ish in SSM with 3 MM hunters that did less than 10M damage each, had a brewmaster that did literally nothing other than die like 9 times and had the majority of the team doing nothing to cap carts away from the teamfights when it became clear we weren’t gonna win teamfights. They would just run back into whatever cart the majority of the other team was in and slowly die over and over.

And that kind of match isn’t isolated either, I get stuff like that all the time. Even if the mmr is working as intended, it’s likely too easy to just get carried up to higher mmr by sheer luck of getting good teams on the way there. I see so many people that almost certainly would be at 1500~ if the mmr system was actually strict and functional.


At least the trolls in this forum are fairly harmless. They’re just stupid, lol.

The arena section can get nasty however.

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its not player skill disparity at low level mmr in blitz…its broken classes like MM that have such a low skill ceiling. it really tilts the game especially for those learning. I can counter a hunter im a healer. but i see lots of inexperienced people just get disintegrated into nothingness. blizz has always been bad at class balance but its the worst i have ever seen it. its absolute garbage. so this isnt a you issue its a blizz is terrible at their job issue.