I took out my Blingtron 6k today and to my surprise, it did not have the blue Exclamation Point for the daily quest. Clicking on him just gave me the option to put on the party costume with no mention of a daily quest to get the gift package. Blingtron 4k and 5k are functioning a similar way.
There’s nothing in the patch notes about Blingtron’s functionality being removed, nor is there a Blingtron 7000 schematic that would replace 6000. Hopefully this is a bug and not an intentional decision by Blizzard to make Engineering even less appealing.
i noticed the same thing. im suprised this hasnt been reported more.
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Yeah yesterday after realms came up I popped out my Bling 6K and nothing no blue ! up for me either.
Still nothing here as well can only change appearance.
Yep, still bugged after daily reset.
Yeah, it seems to have broken with 8.1. I can no longer get my daily box of disappointing crap that I’ve been receiving in lieu of a minipet since the start of Legion.
yea i saw a 5000 and a 6000 next to each other today and neither of them had the blue “!”. pet dailys havent been working since patch either
Got the same issue after patch 8.1
I have also not seen the daily quest for Blingtron 6K. I dropped it late yesterday afternoon after I got in game. NO quest. I waited until this morning, dropped it again still no daily. I removed all add-on etc, waited 35 minutes and dropped it again, still no quest. I happened to hang around a while and caught someone using it and asked if they could see the daily quest indicator and they said yes. I also got onto another toon that is linked to my acct and it couldn’t see the indicator either. I am wondering if it just the “owner” and toon tied to that acct that can’t see it.
also using the script
/run print(format("%s: %s",“Blingtron completed today”,IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(34774) and “\124cff00ff00Yes” or “\124cffff0000No”))
comes through as yes, so it looks like it doesnt reset with the daily reset at the moment.
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Interesting. So at least it is a bug and not an intentional break. Would also explain some other issues with daily/repeatable quests not resetting their flags.
I knew I couldn’t be the only one with Bling issues. I dropped bling 4 Tuesday evening and was surprised to not be able to get my gift. Just a few minutes ago I dropped 4 & then 5, neither one would give me the gift quest.
Just popped a Bling 6K and nothing but “Let’s party!”. How in the hell did they manage to hose Blings with this patch?
All years we have had these Blings and they go manage to break them with this patch…sigh
It is not only the blingtrons. pet battle tamer daily quests won’t reset either. i’m guessing it may be ALL daily quests.
It is not /ALL/ dailies by any means. I have been doing Argent Dailies on my main without fail, however noticed that after 8.1 Bling has stopped giving his.
(Part of my daily routine to do argent and bling on main).
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I noticed the same thing but people on my realm said they could get the blingtron daily. Previously I used my Jard’s cooldown and living steel cooldown so will try again before using those tomorrow.
Cooking and fishing dailies are working in Org.
Just tested the blingtrons on my lock, confirmed it’s still not working.
Just want to highlight this. And that the daily pet battle tamer quests are experiencing the same issue.
Bliz is investigating both as we speak!