Blingtron 4k, 5k, and/or 6k not popping daily quest

I haven’t played for a few days, and was able to access Blingtron 6000 today with no issues. I wonder if its a problem with daily reset.

Same problem here. No Blingtron loot for the third day in a row now.

Issue still present. Hopefully won’t take them months to fix it.

/script print(IsQuestFlaggedCompleted(40753))

Returns true as if already completed. So either the daily is not longer reseting at all or its a weekly or monthly now…

I think it’s also affecting the House of Waycrest: Witchy Kitchen side quest you can get, Cutting Edge Poultry Science. I just did normal on my hunter, saw the cooked chicken, and no ! ever appeared. This is extremely frustrating, as it seems like I’ve been waiting forever (ever since hitting 120 and WQs) just to get this quest (I am a pet junkie, what can I say? :stuck_out_tongue: ) to run this dungeon and snag my quests all at once.

Come on Blizz fix our Blingtrons…this is nuts they are not working after all these years…come on fix it.

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This appears to be fixed. I used my blingtron just fine today.

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So on Day 2 I popped Blingtron and the quest wasn’t available and it was the first thing I did

Was able to get blingtron again on a different character today

No its not…I just popped up my Blingtron 6000 and still no daily…its still bugged…loaded up 4 different toons and none of them can use Blingtron right now at 4:13 am EST.


When I logged in this morning (After a patch and reset) I dropped Bling and got the quest indicator. It appears to be fixed. Good Luck on your Bling Packages.

Dailys have been reset!.. YAY… wait 4 mins summon, 7000 No exclamation mark… BOO
summon 6000 he works fine…l So I am thinking maybe i need to wait 5 mins or is it something elde?