<Blind Fury> Recruiting for Mythic T/Th 7-10pm CST

<Blind Fury> is a semi-hardcore Alliance raiding guild on Sargeras-US. The guild was founded by a core group of people who have been raiding together for over ten years. We value structured leadership, mature behavior, and exceptional teamwork. We play World of Warcraft for the community, and are building <Blind Fury> to emulate our passions and past success. We are currently in our infancy and seeking players (veteran, new) as we build for future tiers.


  1. Maintain a semi-hardcore raiding guild focused on longevity. This guild was created based on friendships made in hardcore raiding and the guild will continue to thrive as long as World of Warcraft continues to exist. We are committed to clearing all mythic content each tier with the goal of achieving the highest possible ranking.

  2. Conduct raids in a professional, organized, coherent manner. The leadership has been raiding together for over ten years. We recognize that the success of raiding guilds often depend on making informed decisions, minimizing drama, and being prepared. Raid strategy is a collaborative effort in <Blind Fury>. Discord is used to discuss strategies for future bosses and improvements for current bosses.

  3. Establish a community. Part of the trial process in <Blind Fury> is making sure we are as good of a fit for you as you are for us. Most of the guild is in their mid-late 20s with a few “seniors”. For that reason, we look for maturity, respect, and integrity when considering applicants. If you are a raid logger, we are not a good fit for you.

Current Needs

Raid positions are available for the following classes. We aim to keep a roster of 25 and only recruit what is necessary for a healthy raid roster. However, applicants that can compete with members of our current roster are always considered.


All DPS applicants are being considered


Mistweaver Monk - High

Restoration Druid - High

Holy/Discipline Priest - High

Holy Paladin - Closed

Restoration Shaman - Medium



Raid Times

Tuesday 7pm CST - 10pm CST

Thursday 7pm CST - 10pm CST

We do not split runs and do not add raid days the first week of a new raid. We may extend raid times by no more than 30 minutes if we are close to an important kill at the end of the week.

Loot Rules

We use a loot council system for items that are tradable. We weigh the value of the item against the overall benefit of the team.

Contact Information
discord: korson#7678 / gonzo#4837
bnet: korson#1574 / gonzo#1856