Blind eyes look horrible, what did you do?

So I had forgotten that Blizz added blind eyes for everyone and I thought one of my characters with a blind eye looked different… Then I zoomed in. And I saw the travesty that was the destruction of what Nelf blind eyes used to be.

This is what the blind eyes used to look like:

And this is what they look like now:

  1. Why did you delete the solid color?
  2. Why do I have a pupil in Nelf eyes??

And then there’s Draenei. Who actually approved this? Did y’all phone this stuff in??

Can y’all fix what you destroyed for Nelfs and give the same thing to Draenei? Because this… just looks terribad.


yes they do look terrible don’t they


I’m seriously trying to figure out what 8 year old phoned this in from Photoshop and who approved how bad it looks.

The blind eyes used to look amazing. But this is what we get instead??

I want my old ones back.


The blind eyes look cool with the Night Warrior eye customization; but otherwise no thank you.

I didn’t know blind people played WoW and wanted representation as well.

I guess it does make sense, if you see what players do in LFR.


I don’t think it’s about representation as much as it’s, “My character has these scars across the eye, maybe the eye should be blind, too.” And, “Our characters have been fighting for like a decade in wars and against evil things. It’s entirely possible we didn’t come out of this blemish-free.”


You say that, but all of us have had fair skin for a while now lol.

I think we only have options for facial scars, on some races.

Night Elves are the only race with body-scars, being the Teldrassil burn marks.

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Teldrassil burn isn’t across the entire body.

Damn, you’re right- just looked at it.

For some reason I assumed it envloped the upper half of the body and one arm, wonder where I’m mis-remembering that from…

Would be neat if customization wasn’t 99% the head lol

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Agreed. We need tattoos for everyone and scars on the body, too. And not this phoned in crap that is now blind eyes. Like spend some real time on it.


The blind eye works fine, especially with the right facial scarring. It’s supposed to look faded and less prominent to highlight the “good” eye.

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Nelfs don’t have pupils. The eyes don’t make sense now and look terrible comparatively.

It’s not about how they “work” with scars. It’s how bad they look now.


This is what normal Night Elf eyes should look like:

But with the simple glowing orbs we have in WoW, the blind options don’t look right, for sure. Not that they would look right with the eyes in the Tyrande picture either…


Before, they mostly just looked like a glowing x-color eye. Now, the detail is more defined, making them look more as an actual blind eye looks.

You do realize that blind eyes aren’t actually aesthetically pleasing, right?


It doesn’t matter, your blind character can’t see the difference anyway.


I don’t see the problem.

Honestly they all look bad. The solid color looked so bizarre and the new one looks stupid too. Would be nice if the whole eye was white, y’know like blind eyes should actually look?

They look more realistic now.

If you want the color of what they used to be added, say that.

I personally think we should be able to choose the color of each eye separately. There’s no reason that Heterochromia shouldn’t exist in WoW.

More choices are always better.


There’s a blind player on the Community Council. They do play.

And the devs have a bad habit of ignoring accessibility complaints from blind players. They have implemented some of them, but I’ve watched quite a few of them just get outright ignored.


You need to Google images of what blind eyes look like. (It varies, but they’re not solid white, and there’s already a solid white choice for NElves.)