Bleeding Hollow Alliance Reconnections

I will be playing some classic, I don’t have any set plans yet but I am leaning towards horde this time. I will be on a week or so after launch since dragoncon is taking place over the holiday weekend.

Glad to know we had a positive reputation.

i loved DW. Mostly Lordess and her husband

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and her husband

Low-key hilarious that Mom’s the one you remember the most, Dad is just “her husband”.

she was a mom to me =) she was the best and i just cant recall the husbands name was a hunter or rogue i think. everyone in that guild was super friendly. tell her i said hi please.

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I’ll pass it along. I think she wants to make a post here too.

Also, his name was Therius. Hunter. It’s in my original post :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ve got my server picked. Pagle. Lolo is sick of having to put horde names on her list, so PvE now.

Name: Rildenes
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Guild: Blades of Penance

I was a little 14 year old jackass back then but I had a great time raiding and pvping with you guys. Apologies to anyone I rubbed the wrong way. I know there were some. Blizzard somehow recovered this character last year after not logging in since 2005 and I think I’ll keep him preserved the way he is.


Conflict the warrior ? Damn that’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time

Glad to see you guys are still around!

Human warlock
Knights of Prophecy

Thekingluis, Achillies

ladymacbeth, another was a night elf warrior ill figure the name out and edit

hey man, do you remember the GM from Restitution’s name? I can’t remember, but wasnt it a woman named Pagan or something to that effect? I was in Restitution as well, but I forget so many names haha. Do you remember Elitta, she was a mom who played a druid casually, very sweet lady? I still talk to her daughter ocasionally on facebook/instagram (her daughters character: Antoinetta in Praetorian i think)

the GM was Unholytwo(andy). sadly i dont recall the others you mentioned

I am pretty sure it was unholytwo, but it was so long ago. I do vaguely remember another GM/guild name early on.

hmm, i may be confusing restitution with another guild i was in, but thank you for the info!

I think it was Redemption actually.

that might be it! Restitution had Penguins in it right? that was someone I casually chatted with here and there and think i ended up in resti as a casual member through them

edit: also if im rambling, dont mind me. just trying to piece together my vanilla memories haha.

Yep, he was in Restitution. Our one and only fear ward I think. I might have to see if I still have my old hard drive with screen shots but it might not even work with this computer since it doesn’t have any ribbon cables.

ok great, that solves a piece of the puzzle for me, thank you for the info!

the only druid i recall in redemption with a P was Pirotesse