Bleeding Hollow Alliance Reconnections


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hi pals

name is self explanatory, i was in Reverence and some other guilds i don’t remember the name of. most of you i like i have on facebook already (grats USD on becoming a n*zi!).

can contact me on discord #zaryi1500 or through yuratuhl since, you know, we’re married now.

Where my boys at



Some ppl are missing, can’t read their names

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Name: Distant (now Distare on Garona in retail)
Class: Warrior
Race: Human
Sex: Male
Guild: Demon Within (or Demon Spawn, our alt-guild)
My guildies: Lordess, Therius, Gatz, Utena, Lotharr, Bruness, Serrana, Sylin/Sylan/Sylian (not sure which), Averfine, etc.

I was born in 1999 so I wasn’t really around much because of how young I was at the time, but my family and my guildies in Demon Within were. Lordess the female Nelf Rogue and Therius the male Nelf Hunter would be my mom and dad (they were the guild leaders). And yes, that Lordess who made those music videos.

Eternally singing Godsmack - Voodoo

Eternally singing Trapt - Headstrong

Eternally singing Drowning Pool - The Game

I was the Warrior in A Tale of Two Brothers, my brother was the Warlock. Although that was before we had our own accounts. And no, those toons don’t exist anymore.

Lordess is also known for her “Lolo rolls” of 100 on loot. She was rolling the bones before there were Outlaw Rogues.

I have some alts who are still around like Hunten the Nelf Hunter, Roquen/Rouqen the Nelf Rogue (now Roken), and Angwish the Nelf Druid. (Yes, 6 year olds are good at naming things.) There were a few other characters like a twink or two (as well as some other lv1-20 characters I didn’t want to keep) that don’t exist anymore.

Not much to speak for in terms of my presence in vanilla aside from a lot of messing around during leveling and using WoW quest text to learn to read. I didn’t even reach level 60 on Distant/Distare until BC launched. And yes, I will be recreating Distant as Distare in Classic.

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I forgot all about this. I think we had a second one but it wasn’t as good…


This one was a great for sure.

Not sure if you remember me, hueymcduck in Basher. Yewdee is my uncle, still talk to xamota/fraility/dalay. I was only 10 or 11 back then rofl


RM does still exist more or less, it is on Kel’thuzad now. You can find Akina, Jellog and Isamoo there. The rest I haven’t seen in some time. royalmilitia.taggedup . com still works, but I doubt anyone checks it very often.

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Yeah, I keep in touch with Akina every now and then. I was hoping RM was going to do something official on the Classic servers. Does anyone still keep in contact with Nfariessence? I wanted to let him know I still have the three Purification Potions he so generously gave us when we were doing Archimonde in BC:

Hello old friend!


I think I vaguely remember you. I do also remember tumadre, penguins, lexxe, trinnity, xxyawron.
Name: Evilsoul
Class: Rogue
Race: Night Elf
Guild: Restitution

Also I think this was us:

i loved those guys

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im playing with conflict/meph

I remember meph, he was a warlock I think.

Lexxe#1290 lexxe said to give this to you. conflict was shadowvines in classic. also devnull is with them

I sent her a request it will be from Turdburner. Oooo he was the one tanking in the video

Who is with you?

Who are the 10-15 vanilla friends?

Oh wow I remember you! And all the others too! Do you have any plans for classic?