Blatant Racist in Chat does not get banned?

Ah yes, explains why I am so popular and loved in Gamer TM forums xD

It’s Gamerℱ, thank you very much.

How does social climate change the terms of service?

Truthfully I am of the opinion that such things are in bad taste. However, I am also of the opinion that players are able to place a language filter on their account and use the ‘block’ function to ostracize players with bad practices. I believe that bans should only be issued when people circumvent such things.

That being said, it is also against the TOS. Truthfully I believe that people need thicker skin as a whole.

And that doesnt stop people from suicide as we ve seen since that solution is parroted again and again and doesnt stop anything bad from happening.

Why? Because the majority does not mind bad behavior if it isnt targeted on themselves therefore doesnt even bother reporting it.

Many threads in the forums prove that bad behavior is ignored, but if someone makes a fuss about said bad behavior happening you will see that all those silent people who ignored said bad behavior are suddenly annoyed by the person who brought it up.

This is a cultural problem, and it is hard to teach people TO CARE about others.

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I’m not bothered by slurs and insults and stuff myself but I do report everyone I see using them.

I think there’s probably a lot more to this story than OP is letting on. Specifically the bit about getting the dude’s ex to play with them again.

Through a basic process of elimination, one can easily assume he’s more likely than not having some sort of relationship with said “ex” and this has triggered the “racist” who is utilizing phrases which OP finds offensive.

What do I know though. :man_shrugging:

[insert Kermit sipping lipton meme here]

Wow, that’s snotty.

For sure. He would have known this guy was a “racist”, he’s just salty about something and is trying to get the guy in trouble now. Especially if he’s chilling with the guys ex. I’m sure the ex has absolutely nothing to do with this either.

Ya and what about all the people who name their characters "sl*t’ and “ho” - how about banning misogynist names too?

Oh yes, it “works”. And then I see the same person spouting the same obscene language not two hours later in trade chat.

If we got a notification that said “You reported this person, <reported player’s name>, and they got actioned for spamming/obscene language in public channels/naming violations/etc. Thanks for helping to keep WoW a fun place to be!” every once in a while after reporting a player, it’d go a long way to knowing that the system actually does work.

Hell, Twitter has this system in place, and it’s notorious for being a literal cesspool with no redeeming qualities to it.


Because there’s surely an employee sitting there waiting on your reports 24 hours a day. Reports take time to investigate and action.



Oh, right. It’s too difficult to determine (for, say, reporting a player for obscene language):

  1. Was a swear word used?
  2. Was it in a public channel?
    If the answer to either question is no, don’t action the player.
    If the answer to both questions is yes, action the player.

If you can do a better job then you could always apply at Blizzard.

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You just made an extremely large leap. I’m here to play a game and I am a free speech advocate. I am of the opinion that people should be allowed to express themselves however they wish to do so. I also believe that people should be free to have the tools to deal with such things.

It is not my duty in life to ensure that the emotions of every person are in supreme harmony. What people choose to do with their lives is not of my concern, especially on a video game.

Lets also be very clear, there is a difference between ‘outbursts’, ‘unpopular speech’ and targeted harassment.

I care about people. But I also do not require that everyone else care. Do you ever ask yourself if someone saying something wrong has their own issues going on? Do you ever consider the frustrations that led them to that position? Do you consider every persons personal circumstances?

If not, then you are not seeking to care about others. Only selectively care. I am here to play a video game, not act as every individuals counselor or protector.

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Your online behavior has influence whenever you like it or not, it either adds to the dominant culture or goes against the dominant culture.

Supporting the dominant culture is easy, sometimes as easy as simply being silent, going against the dominant culture does upset many status quo warriors, but it is kind of the right thing to do when the dominant culture is one that supports the existence of toxicity.

Here’s your personal choices:

  1. Push for a culture that does not tolerate trasheads, that pushes towards people calling out and making a fuss when some person becomes toxic to the point of making them feel unwelcome, kicking them from groups or guilds and banning them if they dont learn. You are the consequence and punishment for their bad behavior instead of expecting daddy blizz to punish them, this upsets many Gamers :tm: but you are not the problem therefore you shouldnt feel bad.

  2. Keep talking about le free speech meme and how people should just ignore and how it isnt your fault people suffer aka supporting the current toxic culture which offers no solution to the toxicity problem other than repeating the ignore mantra and expecting it to work and instantly going on the defensive and saying “it isnt my fault, I am one of the good ones” when someone suffers due to toxicity

But yeah, I am sure to believe all the people that take the 2nd option about how sad they are and how they care about others when X popular person commits suicide while quite literally directly supporting the culture that lead to that person’s death.
Your actions show your true face, which is why you should never trust people’s words as they are often lies they tell themselves to feel better : )

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I do not engage in critical theory. There is the perception of how you interface with culture and then there is the reality of what that culture actually is.

These are not my personal choices. They are yours. You do as you please, I do not take orders from you.

So bullying people in a sense. Using your ability to control the culture in order to enforce your will on others.

Free speech is not a meme. It is essentially a right imbued to people from birth. Speech is not violence, nor is silence. People are entitled to express themselves, to have others choose to engage with their ideas or not.

Le cultural revolution meme?

I don’t care if others perceive me as good or not. I am morally sound within myself.

Yes, everyone is imbued with original sin from your point of view. We must all repent and fall in line otherwise we are all complicit in the death of strangers we never knew.

Billions of people interact with people on a day to day basis. This leads to confrontation, disagreement and conflict. For the vast majority of people they get along, they are good people and they live by their own values. These people are good, regardless of whether or not they act on what you want.

From my understanding you are in firm favor of mob justice. A dangerous principle that punishes people before the facts can even be reconciled by an actual institution of authority.

Because people are complicit with silence, they should probably be punished to right? Collective punishment for their original sin.


The fact that something so simple and easy to do online like option one is seen by you and many others as something huge and as “repenting for your sins” and instantly go on the defensive says a lot about the kind of people you are.

Which is your option. Freewill is a thing, I choose the third option.

Yes, because when people are attempting to manufacture a cause they often demonize people in order to have them act in the way that they want. Most people want to get along.

When you continuously tell them they are bad people for existing outside other peoples conflicts you are stating that they are actively complicit for existing.

Thus the term original sin. They can only escape that sin in your eyes by complying.

Replying to you and having a different opinion is not ‘going on the defensive’ Its called a conversation. But apparently we are at war.

Which is?

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You’re trying so hard to cancel him but it didn’t work so now you’re upset.

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Oh, I’m close to hitting bingo on my Ralph Bingo sheet again.