Blatant Racist in Chat does not get banned?

Get a grip, OP. Report and move on with your life.


I’m confused why the OP got reported. What rule did he violate? LOL.

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Because these people have been used to most Gamers TM being compacent status quo defenders so they know they will never face any actual consequences.

Because anyone who is brave enough to call them out on it, not only will get attacked by them, but the quiet complacent Gamers TM who are now annoyed you made it “PoLiTiCaL” and upset their precious negative peace.

In other words, keep calling them out, dont be afraid of the hate you will get from complacent people, they are and have always been on the wrong, HISTORICALLY.

And dont worry, people false flag posts that upset their negative peace all the time, mods restore them back.

For starters, masked profanity is against the forum CoC. No I didn’t report him, simply answering your question.

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He didn’t violate any but that’s just the way the “report” function works. You get too many, the auto system kicks in until it is reviewed by a forum moderator. His content is still there, you just have to expand it. It’s not that big a deal


Yes, he did.

Yeah. I suppose the masked racial slur used while describing his encounter. Seems a bit trollish of a report but I get it now.

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Yeah, i guess if you consider the fact he bypassed the filter
 But do you honestly think that is why anyone actually reported his thread?

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Racial / Ethnic

This category includes both clear and masked language and/or links to websites containing such language or images which:

  • Promote racial/ethnic hatred
  • Are recognized as a racial/ethnic slur
  • Allude to a symbol of racial/ethnic hatred

If a player is found to have participated in such actions, he/she will:

  • Be temporarily banned from the forums
  • Be given a final warning, after which any further Code of Conduct violations may result in a permanent ban from the forums

Because most people are more upset about someone calling out bad behavior than actual bad behavior.


No but at least they flagged him and it wasn’t a spam false flag, so at least the flagging system wasn’t abused this time.

WoW forums, where you get the police called on you for calling the police.


This is a very serious red flag that should not be overlooked. The guy that is being extremely verbally abusive is on his way to becoming physically violent and may harm someone.

Who ever flagged his post, should be made aware that you are contributing to this violent behavior.


He has to follow forum rules also, this isn’t the place to report behavior infractions in game.

Many gamers TM sadly much rather let a racist killer loose rather than upset their negative peace with shouting and “PoLiTiCs”, it is the definition of being complacent in front of a broken status quo.

God forbid someone actually points out problems and takes them out of their video game fantasies where they are le big hero

Pretty sad I know.

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For your sake I hope you’re a troll.


Normally, I would agree with you, but this is truly extreme and is putting many at risk if not being told about it.

Meaning, Being hush hush about abuse happening in your own circle is a sign to the abuser that they have gotten away with such behavior and will continue to do so until confronted and dealt with.

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I am not, simply stating observable facts many like to avoid admitting.

In game and in the forums many have proven that they can easily ignore bad behavior, but if someone calls out bad behavior then they are the ones who will get attacked for upsetting the negative delusional peace those people want to live in.

It is seen again and again. Thankfully some people like me are not deterred by mobs because I know the difference between right and wrong, and the wrong thing needs to be called out and attacked directly no matter how it upsets some people.

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He can use the in-game report function, it works. If he’s not satisfied with that then he can put a ticket in. This isn’t the place to report stuff, especially with masked profanity like that. And tbh, he didn’t even report anything here, he just told a story. lol

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No you’re not.

Of course you’re not deterred by mobs. You’re parroting their propaganda in a culture pulling out all the stops to embrace it. You’re doing the safest thing you can possibly do right now.