This is the official legal document for the reduction in force that Blizzard experienced in February of 2019. There are two columns, the left column is number of positions selected for termination and the right column for positions not selected for termination; page 7 is the CS department. The only two positions cut from the CS department were a Bliz. IT Analyst and a Blizzard BI Programmer, zero actual CS.
They have more support staff now than they ever have before. You can see the number of CS staff in the WoW credits.
They likely have more GMs now than they ever have. If you’re talking about the change in policy to moving away from appearing in-game, I saw it explained in a blue post that the ticket system was being massively abused by people wanting GM “appearance events”. Basically, people were wasting their time.
People do realize that the office they have in Texas is almost entirely CS/GM staff, right? They don’t even outsource their CS.
Most gaming “journalists” aren’t interested in boring ol’ facts, btw.