Blast from the past: Jarod/Shandris is unhealthy doesn't make sense

I think we are coming from different viewpoints, and I’m not trying to detract, just recontextualize the conversation. I don’t see it as rude, or even insulting to Jarod Shadowsong. He didn’t take it as innapropriate. Shandris did though, only because of her residual feelings clouding her words and actions. We all have moments like that. When we meet an old flame an ex that while we may have gotten over with, in the past, but who’s presence stirs lingering embers and thoughts we thought we’ve overcomed. Least that’s how I see it.

When it comes to Kaldorei underpopulation. We have to consider the events of the Third War. Night Elves did not worry about propagating their species because they were effectively immortal, and were not ambitious enough to reconquer Kalimdor after the War of the Ancients. Many felt resigned to guardians of nature and stewards of Elune. That only leads to stagnation and a lack of desire for a future.

Since the Third War, many Night Elves coveted their immortality and tried to rebirth it with the creation of Teldrassil. Then again in MOP by seeking out the fountain of youth, if you will. Later with the burning of Teldrassil, the scouring of Ashenvale especially the death tolls in Astranaar was sufficient to create a barrier of wisps the likes unseen in ages. Then the decimation of Darkshore after what happened in Cataclysm. I cant imagine there being that many young Kaldorei left, let alone, a substantive population that can repopulate the lands recently recovered after the Fourth War.

If Jarod and Shandris who are mature adults, still have some feelings for each other. Acknowledge their predicament as literally the lingering embers of dying race. Seek to reunite and maybe rekindle that relationship they sorta had during the War of the Ancients. Then let them. We shouldn’t begrudge it as bad writing. If humanity in real life was scoured off the planet save for a few hundred. Even if you’re not sexually inclined to continue the species. You have to consider your actions under that pressure and lens. That’s all I am saying. They don’t need to, but they should consider it as a option. However awkward or weird it may feel initially.

I doubt Tyrande or Maiev would even be against it. If anything all elf populations should be considering the biological future of their species considering the last 30 years. Same for Draenei, gnomes, humans, orcs, trolls, and beyond. Most mortal races should be wanting to recover their numbers whenever possible. The future looks bleak if all of them choose to rebuke an opportunity for the next generation to come forth and at least try to better the world left to them by the Horde and Alliance.

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