Blademaster fits better in-between WW/BrewM

Not when you realize Windwalk was literally stealth and nothing related to monks wind walker… wind walkER… not windwalk

tldr, if monks dont get double jump next expansion, im gonna throw a fit


i think high jump fits better.

its using the element spirit and commanding the element air to move blistering fast.

Wrong again.

It is stealth and per official lore has NOTHING to do with “using the element spirit”

Wind Walk can allow the Blademaster to go invisible and run away when he’s about to die or sneak into enemy towns.

They can just whip up some lore where the existing Orc Blademasters join the Monk order. EZPZ

The blademasters in siege of org were not demon modified. Garrosh allowed no demon magic in the True Horde.

Blademaster is definitely more of a mix between like arms and sub rogue.

HOWEVER, it is wild that Windwalkers can’t windwalk.

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Monks should definitely have double jump, high/long jump, or some sort of wall running.


everything in game has lore to why they function that way.

blademasters dont just windwalk from “imaginary magic” there is a logical explanation for it, and the clear answer from the other abilities they have is that it is either nature or spirit based.

actually if you did research warcraft 3 manual describes windwalk as such

So adept and agile are the blademasters that they can move so quickly that they appear to be invisible to the naked eye



Though blademasters are masters of stealth and guile, they value personal honor above all else.

Orc Blademasters are def more rogue/monk/shaman leaning than they are warriors at all. they are literally walking around with oil, calling upon the elements to perform mystical feats or even using spirit element themselves to create clones.

Don’t do this. I know you’re saying not to do this, but you’ve played this class long enough to know about their pattern of… malicious compliance

You’re going to give them fuel to justify Shado-Pan as a hero class and making us jank Rogues. Or even worse, making Shadow Dance part of our rotation too…


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Blademaster’s signature move is bladestorm, the arms warrior archetype is very close in class fantasy to the blademaster (which is Samurai inspired).

Yes, they do have an ability called wind walking, but thats more of a name monks got that was taken from The blademaster unity than a lore or class connection, just like some orc unities would cry “storm, earth and fire, heed my call”, doesn’t mean monks are using the elements like a shaman when casting storm earth and fire.

It is simple. Blademasters = Samurai.
Monks = kung fu.

There are similar themes into play, but very distinct things.

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The history of Samurai matches up to wow monk lore.

No the history of karate matches monk lore. Samurai being plate armor wearing conquers are basis for the mogu but with heavy mongel influence.

Karateka who fought unarmed against being enslaved by armed and armored samurais. Samurai where masters of the sword and the basis for Blademaster. They were armor wearing warriors.

Karateka where enslaved Okinawans, who had to fight back without weapons, because the first thing the Samurai did was take their weapons away. Hence they developed Karate.

At this point I feel like you don’t want to see anything but your own headcannon (your made up lore that does not match what the game is showing).

Monks are unarmed very kung fu and karate influenced.

Blademasters are masters of the 2h sword Katana. They are warriors who used fel to enhance their abilities and they lean into the rogue aspect with limited stealth.

Blizzard themselves have said the Blademaster has always been a arms warrior architype.

Slayer is used to become a warrior blademaster “fit in a warrior’s toolkit.” per blizzard in blue.


This isn’t who the samurai are … what are you even talking about

You said Samurai are monks… I pointed out factually they are not. They are just plate armor wearing, kyudo and katana wielding, soldiers. Is this the part where you think they are some kinda magical monk anime weeb nonsense that had nothing to do with actual samurai?

As someone born in Okinawa I can 100% tell you, Samurai were just soldiers. Rich families sure but still just soldiers. In fact the most important weapon to real Samurai was actually the Kyudo. But let me guess anime told you it was the katana?

Samurai were used to conquer Okinawa and then Korea. That is a historical fact. You can not say they were not conquerors. Samurai represent enslavers and conquerors to anyone not from Nihon. Sorry anime lied to you. Samurai fit warriors. They wear heavy plate armor and use a variety of weapons. Blademasters are based on samurai hence they are warriors.

And for evidence of wearing plate, first you can go to any museum and see for yourself all Samurai armor is steel for late Meji period or high carbon iron (primitive steel) for the really old stuff, or just watch a documentary on real samurai armor like this one.


Samurai was a weird system of sanctioned mercenaries from what I understood from reading.

Even the concept of Bushido was a modern addition, a myth, the actual samurai had no special code.

Even martial arts as a means of enlightment is a new concept to keep them alive in a period where learning how to fight was frowned upon.

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This is all very true. In fact a warning sign in tradition martial art schools of kudo and karatedo was emphasis on “enlightenment” not on actual self defense.

“Teaching people a large number of sword techniques254 is turning the way into a business of selling goods, making beginners believe that there is something profound in their training by impressing them with a variety of techniques. This attitude toward strategy must be avoided, because thinking that there is a variety of ways of cutting a man down is evidence of a disturbed mind. In the world, different ways of cutting a man down do not exist.”

  • Miyamoto Musashi

Only fighting matters. And even in ancient Japan you had fake teachers promising enlightenment instead of real fighting techniques. Which true budo have always looked down upon those sad phonies. If you can not fight you are not in real budo.

Bring back Blackout Strike at least…

Panda plus katana was phased out… for… certain real world political implications.

While Panda Monks are centered in Kung Fu, the whole of Warcraft Monks can lean on real world inspired variation of martial arts across cultures. There’s no reason to believe a Pandaren Martial Art would be equally suited for an Orc as an Orcish Martial Art.

(Even Kung Fu Panda got this right by distinguishing styles between the Furious Five.)


The thing is we see other races of blademaster.

The example above look at her abilities, my character is a blademaster. My blades are an extension of myself radiating with chi to represent that.

I personally would rather get blademaster cause it fits better than shadopan

If we have two choices as WW, one likely being the celestial conduit focusing on summoning celestials since blizz seems to try to force pets/summons on as many classes and specs as possible. That’s already one nonviable option for people that just want to play an unarmed martial arts specialist and not a summoner or totem class.

Making the second option be a two handed weapon user (Blademaster) would completely kill the spec for anyone not enjoying summons or weapons.

Besides thinking about giving Bladestorm to WW monks just does not feel right at all.