Blademaster fits better in-between WW/BrewM

the only conflict is monks not able to use 2H swords

Wc3 blademaster had the ability Wind Walk>>> Windwalker

Using oil and fire to set enemies ablaze>>> using brew and fire to set enemies ablaze

Light armor sometimes Samurai esque >>> monk has this type of armor

Splitting into multiple copies>>>> monk Splitting into multiple copies.

Japanese themed>>>> Japanese themed.

Blademaster is an excellent fit as a hero spec for Windwalker and Brewmaster specs.


Blademaster would be interesting for monks from an aesthetic point of view but otherwise the lore between Blademasters and Monk are completely contradictory and separate. The idea of a Samurai-theme can already be done with the Shado-Pan.

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The thing is the shadopan are an organization of multiple classes, yes they’re lead by Taran Zhu but you see rogues, Monks, rangers all depicted in the shadopan faction on top of the faction being 1dimensonal their only goal is to defend the wall, they would steal pandaren children train them from birth to be elite fighters.

A let’s say troll being a shadopan makes no sense, but a troll monk being trained to become a troll blademaster seems just more understandable.

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Blademasters were an Orc unity only and theie signature move has been with Warriors for a long time.

Shado-pan and monks are not connected only due to the fact of being oandaren oeganizations but IIRC they are both connected to Xuen, the white tiger, so a monk learning the techniques the shado-pan have in their curriculum is not a jump in logic.


Id argue mirror image and wind walk are more iconic to the blade master gimmick than bladestorm.

Even in hero of the storm, being able to master illusion master makes you a far more threatening Samuro.

Blademasters have always been arms warriors.


Yeahhhh but the Shado Pan are not all monks. That’s where my gripe with it comes in personally. I’d personally prefer to see something else but I don’t know what yet.

Okay. So. Are blademasters Japanese themed? Yes. Very much so. Monks are not. They are Chinese theme.


I am a blade master that’s why i have two blades.
“Twin blade action, for clean close shave every time!”

I mean martial arts are not isolated to China …

Mostly this.

Monks are primarily based on chinese martial arts, BUT, due to the inspirstion being mostly martial arts movies, there is some japanese influence here and there like some karate kid references in the pandaren starting zone, fists of fury assumes a very traditional karate stance and form, some moves also seem to come from fighting games, like Rising Sun Kick and Spinning Crane Kick.

But, this is minor in the grand scheme of chinese references to pandaren and monk lore, though there are a lot of japanese references sprinkled in minor ways in WoW, like Night elven structures and some.minor design elements, Orcs with blademasters, Waveblade ankoans with their huge katanas, even pandaria has some samurai themed sets, the shado-pan has some ninja themes.

I’ve always seen them as a hybrid of arms/monk.

Storm Thane or whatever hero class is 100% Muradin dwarven warrior which is fury/prot hybrid even thematically. So non dwarven warriors can get the hero class. Think it’d make sense for non orcs to be blade masters for consistency’s sake.

Just a matter of choosing if warrior or monk should get the hero class. Tricky.

I think it would make sense for Monk to get it and use polearms. The signature blade master sword is actually a polearm if I remember correctly.

Why are we talking about a blade master hero spec? I do not see one anywhere in anything they’ve revealed?

It the basis for the Slayer warrior archetype hero talents but people keep trying to force blademaster onto monk. Even though it’s been a arms warrior thing from the start.

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You would be wrong.

“These skilled swordsmen were once part of the ill-fated Burning Blade Clan”

And honestly which class description sounds like a Orc who is a master of 2h swords.

A battle-hardened master of weapons, using mobility and overpowering attacks to strike their opponents down.

or “weaponless combat” “monks rely on their hands and feet to do the talking”.

I don’t know about you but to me the obvious choice for a 2h sword master is Arms warrior not the weaponless combat monk.


Given that blade masters wear neck-beads similar to some shaman and monks, and some possess elemental (Blazing Coil, Molten Weapon) or supernatural (Wind Walk, Mirror Image) abilities, it is possible that they also utilize their [spirit] to empower themselves or [draw from] the elemental spirits either by command or request.

the thing that makes blademasters stand apart from a simple arms swordsman is these supernatural feats that they are able to do, not their mastery of swordsman ship. Which they are well versed in but the blinding speed, the guile of trickery from their clones and the blades of fire.

That because they were demon enhanced…
" consumed themselves in demonic corruption"

I feel like no one follows the lore anymore. Well to be honest blizzard stopped following the lore in shadowlands also.


The lightforged blademaster? They talk about orc blademaster in WoD.

No demonic corruption they’re using 2h polearm here

Your link doesn’t work so I have no clue what your talking about.

But I do know their entire lore is about being master SWORDMAN not unarmed monks.

*edit Honestly besides being lore nerd and besides seeing this offending my lore nerdness I honestly could care less.

Blademaster is a arms warrior and is called the “Slayer” hero talents for warrior. If you want to RP as one then cross your fingers shado pan for monks allows weapon animations but your not getting the 2h fire sword that makes a blademaster the actual blademaster part. I don’t see the need to keep replying to this thread since it is a solved issue already. Warriors are getting blademaster as “Slayer” because blademaster has always been a warrior hero class, literrally blade storm is the warrior skill they get from blademaster in wc3

Its kinda hard to pretend that the wc3 class with the windwalk ability isn’t a good fit for the windwalker spec.