Blackwing Descent - Omnotron Defense System does not activate after Magmaw is killed

Went into Blackwing Descent to run for companion pets/transmogs and after killing Magmaw the Omnotron Defense System boss does not activate which means you cannot get past the gate to complete anything further in this raid instance. Attempted on Heroic 25 player.


Same problem, this is easy to duplicate. Also, the mind control orb on Razorgore in BWL doesn’t work.

Having the same issue. When I run over one of the statues Nefarius starts his speech and puts me in combat, but the boss doesn’t activate.

EDIT: Ran away, reset the boss and waited a minute and Electron is active.

Orb works for me, had to dismiss a pet first in my case.

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Tried to do it on 2 different characters and both are bugged

Same here, can’t start Omnotron fight after killing Magmaw.

Yep cant start omnotron

Jumped in on my alt, killed the worm and trash mobs in record time, then tried to start the even to no avail.
25man Heroic.
I zoned out, reset all instance…nope, still bugged.
Killed myself by jumping into magma in the worm room…nope, still bugged.
Logged off outside dungeon, relogged back on, zoned into raid…nope still bugged.
Turned off all addons…nope still bugged.
Only got a couple days til weekly reset…will attempt to kill Omnotron first before the giant worm on weekly reset. Hopefully they wake up and attack.

Same problem, on normal, I was unable to start the encounter, locked out of the entire rest of the instance.

Adding my voice, wont start. Assume something must have broke in the patch

I too am having this problem.

Yup not working for me either. Doesn’t matter what I do.

Same problem here - killed magmaw, went to kill omotron defense system and they are all unable to be targeted.

Having the same problem. Here I thought I had to do magmaw since I couldnt target them, so I did magmaw and still cant target them.

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Same/Bump - killed Magmaw, cannot attempt ODS

Also same, just tried to do it today and Omnotron would not activate. :frowning:

just happened to me on my hunter. so summoned my pet and for some reason that activated boss. i dismissed pet. the boss reset and it worked the boss spawned for me but idk how to fix it on other classes

Still very glitched. I hope blizzard sees this and fixes this issue soon.

Just adding a +1 on this issue. I also tried reloading, relogging, resetting, etc. Interestingly it didn’t occur for me on Beta, so fingers crossed a fix made it into the next build.

+1 wish I had tried omnotron before magnaw :frowning: