Blackwing Descent - Omnotron Defense System does not activate after Magmaw is killed

I just tried this on an alt, and it did work. Moving forward I guess I’ll start with Omnotron.

Adding another voice to the crowd. It ain’t working.

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Same here, wish i had seen this post before trying

I wish I had seen this before I went in. I have tried to activate it and no avail. So I came to google and found it’s bugged. :joy: I didn’t know. It’s my first time here. I guess I’ll go solo another raid.

So i figured I’d screw around and try to make it activate. All four were just not targetable. I am a hunter. I used disengage and the things went into berserk rage. It said it in chat and they turned red. I then dismissed my pets, feign death and they disappeared. I got up, threw a flare down and called my pets. All the sudden, I heard a voice and some dude was talking then I was attacked by the guys. I killed it and got my loot. So messing around with hunter abilities worked at least to unbug it. I tried dismissing and calling my pet over and over too, no work. I guess the other skills worked.

Good news! Whatever was wrong seems to be fixed now!