Blacksmithing prices are out of control

Cost me 40k gold in mats to craft a dagger with rank 2 mats, then I went to recraft it tonight with a higher crest and ooof. Another 20k gold in mats.

And patron orders keep coming in requiring that I provide like 50k gold worth of mats to craft them.

Something seems wrong with the cost of these mats, kinda like null stone drop rates need to be drastically buffed.


Nah , people are playing the auction houses and buying and reselling mats at a higher rate to get wow tokens , I suspect, because their farm bots were taken away.
1 star Bismuth is like 40 g on my server because of it.

I am not even sure what wow security could do about it except maybe send them nasty letters.

I am glad to see explorer gear selling for 20k now at least, it was awful to put like 5k worth of mats in to something selling for 400g. Rolls eyes.

I don’t like auction house botting ,but I am also not in to price controls.
Stuff should sell for what the market can bear.

It’s still early on in the expansion so prices are going to be high. Also, mats that rank higher than one are no longer a certainty to drop, only a chance to drop.

It’s because of the profaned tinderbox. The metal used for blacksmithing stuff uses a lot of them.

If you want, you can go grind Hallowfall related content (delves, world quests, treasure boxes, wax globules, etc.) and farm them yourself, will make it much cheaper.


well, if you have a miner that maxes out each node of the ores under the plethora of ore, it greatly increases your chance to mine full null stones instead of the imperfect ones that take 5 to make 1 null stone. Haven’t been able to test this for myself yet, but i’m working on it.

Everything is working as intended, they want you to buy WoW tokens.

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HAHAHAHA. How is that even possible at this point?

well, i’m 100 points away from being able to max out the nodes on my gatherer. in about 130 more artisan acuity, I’ll be able to buy all 3 of the notes that grant 15 each leaving me with 55 remaing, and those will accumulate over time as i am mining, and with the weekly quests. or if I bothered with the treatises every week.

my guy try to craft a 619 two hand sword with an embellishment then get it enchanted you would need to write an essay on how mad you are

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pretty sure you can have two types maxed already if you funnel all your acuity into your mining and just rush two

The cost of production and rng of tier mats is too high . I have like 250 skill to farm bismuth that need 120 skill for maximum throughput and you still get more tier 1 mats than tier 2 and they still sell the same price as tier 2


If you had any actual experience with the AH, you would know that this is impossible to do on any significant scale. Actually just common sense will tell you this.

(I was thinking about tailoring so I did the following math with Duskweave, but ore is exactly the same.)

For example: Right now in the AH there are 23,666 rank 1 Duskweave for sale. The lowest price is 83.63.

Bear in mind that the AH takes a 5% cut. So you would need to be able to resell at a price of 83.63/0.95 = 87.37 just to break even.

What happens if you buy all the cloth up to 100g? You buy 13,796 duskweave and spend 1.2M gold. Now you have spent an average of 87.24. In order to break even there you need to sell at a minimum of 91.83.

What happens if you do that? You spend 1.2M. You list your cloth for 100g. The very, very best you can do is to sell all of that for 1.37M, of which you keep 1.3M.

You have just made 100,000 gold, but only if no one posts any cheaper cloth.

But EVERYONE is going to post cheaper cloth. What is actually going to happen is that the price is going to go right back where it was, and you have just spent 1.2M gold on cloth that you are going to get paid 90 at most for, minus the AH cut, so you get 1.18M. You have lost 20,000g.

I’ve done “price resets” like this back when I was on a medium size server where the AH was just for that server. The commodities AH has been region wide since late in SL, though, so you are messing with the entirety of the US. But price resets don’t work with commodities even in smaller AHs. YOU CANNOT KEEP PEOPLE FROM FARMING AND POSTING AT “SELL QUICK” PRICES.

The very best you can hope for is to roughly break even. If you do it wrong, you will lose shocking amounts of gold very quickly.

You have to ask yourself, why is the market setting the price this way? The answer is because the demand is for “any” ore, not “the very best” ore. Also, tier 2 ore is not equal to 5x tier 1 ore. It’s just slightly better ore. But what is it better for?

People are still leveling professions and are not crafting high end gear in any great quantity. They will never craft high end gear in quantities that dominate demand for ore. Nor will jewelcrafting demand high tier ore in a way that makes it economical to refine ore.

I would expect the price of higher tier goods to become higher relative to lower tier than it currently is, but I don’t think it’ll change much, frankly. Ore may or may not become cheaper. We’ll see. People have a whole lot of profession leveling to do.

Part of the “problem” here is concentration, which allows lower tier goods to substitute for higher tier goods. If concentration were removed from the game, the spread in prices of tiers would increase significantly.

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My pally’s 2h axe was 85k in mats and I am a blacksmith who could make it rank 5. I just can’t make the mats 3* quality and its cheaper to buy the mats than make them. It is such a broken system.


Yeah , this sell for 9 k gold , easy money

I wonder if there’s a relation to all the “Give us steady flight right away” threads being bumped.

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How does that change my point that blacksmithing stuff is crazy expensive? Lol

did I say it did?

I maxed out the bismuth node early on. I had like 28 nulls tones sitting in my bank last week and sold em for like 120k.

Just got a warglaive crafted last night for 100k worth of mats though

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You can have two maxed out if you’ve dumped all your acuity on knowledge points and have only put points in plethora of ore.

But, I rather enjoy being able to mine without dismounting.

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