As the title says, the Armorsmithing specialization tree seems to not be correctly applying to the trainer recipe (Dredger’s Plate Breastplate). I have full points in the main Armorsmithing node, full points in the Large Plate Armor node and 22/25 and 25/25 in chest and legs respectively. However the difference in skill between the leg and chest recipes is significantly larger than the 3 points indicated. The leg recipe is Dredger’s Developed Legplates (versus Dredger’s Plate Breastplate).
Im having the same issue. Missing 130 skill points on chest compared to legs while spec’d into each equally. Using an addon it looks like chest is gaining skill points from sabatons rather then the chest node itself. It’s also not counting your base skill level in black smithing.
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I’ve written a concise report that I believe is the same issue. Please consider supporting this thread: I spent $70 to exactly prove that these MASSIVE crafting bugs exist
Yep it’s a pretty significant bug, which has resulted in pretty much anyone wanting a chestpiece crafted to be shafted. Ive submitted my own reports as well. This should have been discovered in beta and not made it to live.