Blackrock PVP event is a joke

Keep crying.

It’s payback.

Maybe you guys shouldn’t have been such rats for 3 phases.

Damn it, brother. You got baited by another forum troll. Do you really believe Earth still has people dense like this guy, who don’t know about layer system?

When I moved from EU to NA, I had to skip ashenvale incursions on this toon completely, because it was camped by horde 24/7. I went the SM cath/RFD/ZF + searing gorge way. But this dude is mental fr.

yes lol, he knows about layers just refuses to believe horde controlled any of the layers in Ashenvale for some reason

most of the wow playerbase has never played an MMO with open-world meaningful pvp … how would they know?

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This event CD should really be longer, like every four hours or so to be honest. It’s toxic as all hell.

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If not trap launcher then slow totems lol - yet those are untouched