Blackrock PVP event is a joke

I’m amazed that people still play sod. I still have no interest in even logging on to it

Horde players were whining about losing Ashenvale consistently despite having 2 flight paths close to objectives in the zone, because they were too busy doing dumb sht like camping the boat from Auberdine to Menethil harbor, camping Ratchet FP, camping Redridge. Aggrend was like “you guys just aren’t showing up to the event” lmao

lol horde controlled a majority of the incursions last phase. alliance had 1-3 layers at most controlled (out of 7-8 layers). Majority of my guild didnt bother with an alt because of it as well.

I don’t even think CS has a layer where alliance control it now.

I had to layer hop on my warrior alt in P3 to get away from all the horde incursion heroes

The phase the incursions were introduced, alliance controlled Ashenvale incursion in every layer.

Remember also in phase 1 all the cheesy stuff alliance did with pulling bosses to each other to win every time?

Yeah, finally it’s payback time kids.

What an absolute disaster. A bunch of people came back to playing and immediately quit because it’s not fun to spend 20 minutes death running to BRD with a 2 minute timer.

It’s astounding that Blizz didn’t learn from their mistake with Incursions after the population cratered.

For the love of god at least give us a Blood-Moon like invulnerability buff after reviving.


just not true buddy. I am on crusader strike. I saw it first hand.

this was patched fairly early on. I do remember horde being able to walk around Menethil harbor with impunity because the “guards” were low level non elites that you can easily run through.

while you guys had the barrens in P1 to level completely safe in, after Westfall all our zones are contested, and many horde players were spending a silly amount of p1 roaming around our zones ganking people trying to level

Buddy you guys ratted out with the Ashenvale incursion.

Pvp is happening on a pvp server. Don’t like it? Transfer.

That’s all I heard when I complained.

I’m not complaining lol just telling you that you are wrong

I am not wrong I literally played the game and there are threads I made about it at the time where alliance from CS posted and told mr it was regular pvp for them to shut down a whole incursion from the opposite faction.

Enjoy the mountain!

Not surprising you havent done a single raid.

rofl calling me out for not having gnomer and ST logs and hiding behind a 70 toon. I spend most of my time pvping and didn’t care to chase 2.0 speed weapons, I did gnomer like twice and ST 0 times, didn’t care.

don’t care :slight_smile: just saying you are wrong, horde controlled several layers during incursions and have been just as scummy if not moreso than alliance because this game makes it easier for them to do so.

case in point, Ratchet flight path, Menethil harbor were so free for yall to gank people at. devs literally enable horde players to get away with more shenanigans

the design team is supremely incompetent. whoever designed this event needs to be fired. this might be one of the worst things theyve created in 20 years of wow design. why is there no stv-style ress? why is it an hour long? why does it maximize frustration for the minority and minimize any kind of fun gameplay for the majority? it doesnt make any sense. this clearly wasnt tested and clearly wasnt made by anyone that plays this game. its honestly sad what this company has become.

Another clueless grey parser.


lmao ok bud, make stuff up because you can’t refute what I’m saying


I dont need to refute some ignorant nonsense from a grey parser.

You dont go into a thread and make stuff up and expect people to engage with you properly, especially when you grey parse.

ok buddy, stay mad that you know deep down you play the catered faction

BRM NEEDS A REDESIGN. Handicaps? Crusader strike is outbalanced as F.

Do the Devs need to see a ratio of 10000:1 before they do anything about it?


Of course I know that.

Im enjoying it!

Tastes great when it’s seasoned with alliance salt.

Easy way to work around that is to continuously check it throughout the day.

It fluctuates/opens randomly for intervals.

Dear Developers,

I hope you’re doing well. I’m writing to urgently highlight a critical issue on the Crusader Strike server in WoW SoD P4—the severe imbalance on Blackrock Mountain. The current 100:1 Horde to Alliance ratio has made gameplay nearly impossible for Alliance players.

As a consequence, we are spending 95% of our game time on the 2-minute resurrection screen, significantly hindering our enjoyment and progress. This ongoing frustration threatens the vibrant community that makes this game so special.

We recognize that balancing such a complex game is challenging, but we urgently ask you to address this imbalance. Adjustments to promote a more balanced play environment would greatly improve our gaming experience and help maintain the community.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. We appreciate all your hard work!

Alliance Player on Crusader Strike Server