Blackrock Foundry Unclearable Bug

Currently, it appears as if it is impossible for me and other players to clear Blackrock foundry because Operator Thogar's "Trash" encounter seems to be bugged. I fight the packs in the room. Then that first train appears and drops off two packs, one from each side. I clear the left side, and then clear the right side; just as I've done for weeks before patch 7.3. However, upon clearing the right side, I notice the train door closes but the left one never closed. No more mobs come out. The train just stays there. No trash remains. The gate won't open and the boss is unfightable, meaning Blackhand cannot be fought either. I've tried fighting everything in different orders, waiting before killing them, and coming back later on after trash reset. Still happens every time.

I kind of look forward to doing this dungeon every week for transmog. It's really disappointing that I can't play it.
Just encountered the exact same problem running normal BRF on both my Paladin and my Warrior. It's extremely irritating when I've been running this every week for a while to get all the tier set for my paladin and other transmog.
Hey look, it's not just me. I'm trying to get this on my paladin as well and am being blocked by Thorgar trash. I've also tried resetting instances, but that doesn't seem to do anything either.
Happened to my group on my DK earlier. Tried reseting, killed all the other bosses, reset again, nothing. Closest train just get stuck and then Operator just sits there yelling about the rest of the train's movements. Thought we just got unlucky, but every group I've tried to join today has had the exact same issue. Hopefully it gets resolved soon or by tomorrow but I am guessing anyone who can make a hotfix has gone to bed. Hopefully work gets canceled Thursday due to the heat lol.
I'm just hoping Blizzard can take the time to address this issue despite 7.3 being a thing right now.
08/29/2017 11:11 PMPosted by Bargadiel
I'm just hoping Blizzard can take the time to address this issue despite 7.3 being a thing right now.

I agree. I know it's a day after a major new patch, but they should realize that A LOT of people are still running BRF and other WoD raids for transmog purposes. This should honestly be a quick hotfix as well.
I encountered that issue weeks ago along with Hanz and Franz resetting.
When I walked in today and started the operator trash I was teleported to maidens. Sadly I can't seem to get that to happen again, but now the left train door is closed and wont open. I wonder if you could aoe the adds inside to kill them and trigger the train to move? Sadly my DK can't reach all of them
I'm sure they're rather busy, but I would like to see a fix for this as well.
Just to let everyone know, it looks like they fixed it!
Had this happen to me as well. Burn the guys shooting the bombs from the train and gate opened for me.
Got this bug today.
As I can see, the last bombers was stock in the corridor (he really miss the train!) and cannot reech him, while he can throw me bomb from like 9000 feets away...
nothing to do, gonna try to reset I guess :(
Same problem here today, second bomber is stuck way off down the right corridor firing at me.
I can not get out of the 3th boss cause I'm pinned. help anyone I need it now

Same here. The fact that this bug has lasted over a year is unacceptable.

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Yep was doing a tmog run and couldn’t get to him. Checked online and thought since it was so old the bug was fixed and I was just crazy but guess not.

it looks like the iron gunnery sergeant doesnt always spawn, and i was able to run out fo the raid and back in, and he spawned and i could continue.

I found if you just hang out a bit, waiting… a long time… there’s a cannon op that will eventually appear. By a bit I mean a good five minutes or more… his tag eventually appears behind the door and he’ll make it through, eventually.

I haven’t tried it on my mage, but I noticed that sometimes a mob will get stuck in a train. You can’t attack it and it appears to be out of LOS (and you’ll get that error message), but I was able to hex it and it teleported itself onto the platform like it was supposed to and I was able to continue.


had this issue last night on all difficulties n/h/lfr

tried a soft reset
the dudes were still stuck on the train, but it fixed the invisible wall / “not in line of sight” issue.
was able to kill them and continue.