Blackhand Alliance Reconnections

I miss Tabbycat and Lougin, they were such QT pies :frowning:

60 Human Paladin
Coming back for that pally life!
slide in my dm’s if you used to roll with me, maybe we can do it all again

-Vuldle- was in Madness and Glory. Father was Ripbearer Pally. Any old guildies out there? Hard time remembering names.

Keladry here, I ran with the Sursum Vestri crew and GWJ Alliance mainly. I’m sure there’s Goodjers running around.

I’ve server transferred and am now on Bloodhoof, but I’m still around. Would love to hear from some of the old crew. Particularly Weas, Spuzzy, and Morph!


I can’t remember my name xD. It was either Tryce, Darkremedy, or Darkoasis iirc. I was a male gnome warlock in Exodus, then Game Theory, and spent my longest time and finished in the guild Sentinels.

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Yep! Couldn’t remember until you asked. We had to build the guild after we drove Gotcha out, just to have games.

Tis I, Speak, Herald of Blackhand and Right-fist of Bassaren the Tree-Wizard.

Formerly of Game Theory/Gwen Stefani.

Looking for pals for either weekend or Late-night weekdays.

Speaklol#1446 is my bnet and Speak#7724 is my discord if anyone wants to talk a bit more about getting something going. Got about 15 friends committed so far.


Where’s Tabbycat at?
Where my Transcendence bois at?

Looking for anyone from Lobster Magnet (or the guild alliance Lobster Magnet belonged to).


Hunkiki here. I was a hunter on alliance back in the day. I was in 2 top guilds doing Naxx and AQ40 i cant remember their name. I plan on starting a new hunter and raiding through. I know all the fights and raid led for a good portion of them. I understand all my class trees rotations and come to raids fully prepared. Please Add me and through me an invite. THIS IS FOR SERIOUS GUILDS ONLY!!!


This is Norael from Game Theory. Agi#1875

Cool to see some old names here! Willywonks! Yes - Where’s Sgtsneaky, Mcpaincakes, zibiah, etc…

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SUP BROTHER I WAS in game theory for a while if you remember me. HUNKIKI. i was a NE hunter

BTW Sorry was posting on my old toon on Area 52. Hunkiki here.
I am hoping to play with the Old crews again. I was in Game Theory for quite some time. I think i Joined a little later though while we were in BWL. I didnt start raiding till a little later cause i was in bootcamp in the military. I took a long break from wow recently but Excited to get my hunter going, having mana, having to get arrows, No mounts till lvl 40 IF YOU CAN AFFORD IT! lol. Having to run everywhere. Having my talent trees back. I want to join a guild with top players and don’t mind raid leading as I have experience.

I had two mains that I played back in vanilla.

The first one was Ketaveya, a Night Elf Druid. He was in Dragon Knights Guild and then Paradox.

My second character was Dramatica, a Night Elf Priest. She was in Avathar Corda.

Avathar Corda was the guild I remember the most because I did the most with them. That was where I started raiding full time. I was with them from May 2006 to July 2006.

So, I’m curious if anyone from Avathar Corda is still around.

I still religiously listen to the sound clip of Bass ranting about his first online dating experience. Never fails to make me laugh to this day.

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Gonna play on Myzrael PvE West Coast if you want to join. Look for me!

Woo! Khaos Legion! VDGang here. I don’t know if I’ll play classic or not, but I do still play WoW. KL is a horde guild now but my hordies are the only ones in it. :frowning:

Taji, a name I have not seen in a long time! How goes it?

I think I sent you a bnet request, could not get the discord one to work. I edited my first post with some contact info for me.

Do you know your plans for Classic? I think I will find a West coast PvP server and do Alliance again like the old days.


Yeah, when BFA released he was in Trade chat daily doing what Tubbycat does.