Blackhand Alliance Reconnections

Looking for anyone on the alliance side that was in Equilibrium guild!

I was gnome mage Sanellara

Skaterman Nelf Hunter (Ulgs son)
Serinite Nelf druid
Looking for Smerty, craigboy, conman
Also excited to beat Tabbycat in duels on the daily. Noone misses mallius.


Wheres Smerty and Alliance awakened crew


wave I play Horde now. Campin yur fp’s and ganking you in Mezz :stuck_out_tongue: Lots of old Aphelion folks still play. Me, Nev, Jaddzia, Satashi, Bazzy, Juggernaught, and Veritas too. I have a DK in Panic.

I remember your father, Ulgeron iirc.

I was Schenck, a druid.


Was that the original guild name? Or did you guys form later on? If so this was definetly my first guild

You con’t come in here and just ask people to betray the Alliance!
okay, maybe you can but… :frowning:

Haha! We were considering Alliance, but none of us really got to experience the Shaman struggle back in Vanilla. Time for something a little different! :smiley:

I remember you little spoon lol. I was Vladimere and Ringus. Ive still been playin off and on.

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Samite, NE Warrior. Sursum Vestri guild. Used to run with CC on the midnight MC raids.
Holyfather in the 20-29 twink scene, Dwarf Paladin.


Was the 29 guild called Mafia?

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I played a 60 Paladin named Herzwerk. We were in the guild Blackhand Militia and then moved onto Khaos Legion. The last few months of Vanilla we all kind of drifted apart as we found different raiding guilds that were more in line with our schedules.

Please reach out to me @ Traum#11818


Hey Grimrak, I remember Aurianas and I was in GGA. My 19 twink warlock is currently the GL of GGA.

Oh wow, hey Arb. I didn’t keep in touch with any of you guys after the second website or so died, but I’ve sometimes wondered what many of you are up to nowadays. I played Passion back in Transcended. Who all is still around? :o

Aww!! Hey Passion!! Not a ton nowadays, but Nilos, Avermra, Telani, Wynna, and a few others occasionally stop by. My btag is Arbaxas#11773 :slight_smile:


Where is tabbycat?

Bnet digikma#1123

Waddup - taiji here

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Yo! Glad to see your post here. Definitely looking to get the old gang back together.

Oops, posted on Aldrik.

Pretty sure hes still around. I played against a 120 gnome warrior named tabbycat from Blackhand in a arena match not long ago. He was spamming emotes so its gotta be him :stuck_out_tongue: @hugalotbear

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