Blackhand Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Blackhand (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:
• Your character’s name, race and class.
• The name of your original guild on this realm.
• The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!

Click here to start over.

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Looking for an Alliance Dwarf Rogue that played on Blackhand at release with a druid named Yohimbe. You quit to play guild wars I believe and I quit soon after to go back to everquest. I believe you were first 50 on Innoruuk server in everquest also.

Looking for Mallius - fastest warrior on Blackhand.


Taiji, Flaymz, sneaky/contag, fears, btdubs, zibiah, electrolytes, mayce, denisse… Where da GT bois at?


Wyldfyre, Alliance Priest here! Getting back into Classic on launch!! Can’t wait to play with some of you again!!

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We all Miss Malius.
Some more than others.

Schenck here, I was a Night Elf Druid. I did a lot of resto and then “tried” to be a dps Boomkin.

I am more wanting to just apologize to so many people I was guilded with. How I acted and treated others was garbage and I am embarrassed by these actions.

To the, very few, I did not burn a bridge with, I hope you are doing ok. I am thinking about trying classic out.

Edit for Contact info:

Discord: Oregonislife#2577



I went by Willywonks. IRL friend of Smokedawg and Pawsome. I definitely remember playing on and off with you guys back in the day.


Xxkos / Barrelblæzin (dumb name i was young). Nelf Hunter that spent most free time in Goldshire. Looking for my fence party friends !

So cool! I try to stay in touch with them haven’t really played much with them in a bit though. Smoke and I ran a couple of quests a few months ago I think.

@ Chiwon on Mal’ganis

Oh man, an absolute legend. Before wow tokens I’m pretty sure you helped pay my sub a few times for gold. Helping out a broke high school kid whose parents hated when i raided. Hope everything’s been going well!

Mourir/Morti/Morticea dwarf priestess Centurian Order/Comfortably Numb

I’m Looking for a Female Gnome Mage named Lucielove and a warrior named Flareblader. Then Bothertron He was my first friend in wow he helped me level up I never knew what happened to him, Miss that dude. Oh and anyone from Ill Gotten Gains. Miss you guys. Its me Psyker the Failed human warlock.

The same Theodinn that I used in Vanilla, < Desolate Souls > on BH, just race/server/faction changed.

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Bisp Human Warrior
Game Theory - wheres Mallius at?

I played a Druid named Russted and was one of the original members of Relics. Hoping to reconnect with others of the guild.

If you haven’t yet make sure to add your info on vanillafriends!
It won’t let me attach a link, but it’s .com
Just pick US, blackhand to pull up the list, people have been linking their battle tags and discord info.

Aurianas of God Given Arrogance here. Anybody from GGA still around?

Miss all you cool kids! A few old school Transcended people are gonna be picking one of the Horde PVP servers for some fun times!