Blackballed on <Deviate Delight>. What would you have done?

LC when everyone is mature and of a “raid-first” mindset is by far the best

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Yeah I don’t agree with the whispers they sent after and trying to stop you from joining another guild that’s really stink.

I agree with the other comments though you shouldn’t be getting a item like that on your first run. You have to raid for a while prove yourself.

Actually, his example was a terrible one because the NFL and MLB (and the NBA / NHL for that matter) all have aspects of their collective bargaining agreements that lower the salaries of players when they are rookies / minors / service time too short / etc. In this case, it would be more similar to a guild not giving a guy Ashkandi until he has been around a while, but being willing to give him some upgrades out of ZG.
I take it back. This is a perfect example of how many / most guilds will treat a piece of gear that is higher tier. Now, I am not entirely sure this exact scenario applies since I honestly do think they should have at least considered giving him the 2h over the player who was only going to use it for pvp simply because it is an investment and they had no idea he was going to flake like this. I don’t know what the guild’s modus operandi is for improving newcomers vs giving its longstanding members toys (because let’s be real, this was a toy to that guy), but unlike this guy’s first two major posts, this one he has a legitimate gripe.

A guild that uses Loot Council is by definition meant to award Loot beneficial to the performance of the raid, I think giving Ashkandi to a dw fury who doesn’t intend to rank over a 2 handed fury is a choice that does not benefit the raid in the slightest. Half the raid was getting out dpsed by a Ally 2h Fury on the bosses they didn’t fail miserably at.

While I do agree that if it was a DKP or EPGP it my point of mediocrity wouldn’t matter if they didn’t pick the loot system made for a guild that intends to pure sweat and then perform objectively horribly.


I think i would have congratulated my new guild member on their new item while I secretly got excited that there would be one less player to compete with over the next ashkandi that drops the next week.

  1. Your name;
  2. Your guild’s name;
  3. Your post;

I wonder who is the player who plays this game and is socially deprived.

And what do you know about that server anyway ? People you met in Alterac Valley ?


That was quite a post. I finally read it all and here is how I can summarize what happened :

  1. You left a first guild a few days ago for no apparent reason;

  2. You question the rule that raids usually don’t give big loots to new raiders but you were perfectly aware of it, nonetheless instantly /gquit on your first night raiding with the new guild;

  3. You start to complain on lfg while knowing that “reputation matters” on your server;

  4. You also make a post on the forum about the whole situation.

So it’s not just “I didn’t get my loot, I /gquit” case. Of course, you have the right to /gquit a guild but doing so cause instability. It’s not something you’re supposed to do with casualness.

In my opinion, all of the above shows that you have to work your judgment and your social interactions with people. It seems like you’re acting if you were not playing this game with real people. Of course it’s a game but other players matter in wow classic and you have to deal with it. So I would suggest for the future try not to be too much self-centered on yourself and wait a few days before acting.

But like Bozho said, you know how to make a post, I’ll give you that

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It’s more sad that you’re trying to stretch the argument to 1-3 months when it was literally your first raid.

Why do people on the forums seem to think Loot Council guilds are always corrupt? The reality is, any guild that funnels gear strictly to friends will fall apart very quickly. This myth usually comes from disgruntled players who think they deserve something and don’t get it.

I have seen ppl leave a guild, get a cht or shadow flame staff, and then leave. And my guild is pretty chill with no real toxicity. Semi hardcore group. Now we do 2 weeks loot suspension because we only want to give loot to people who are committed to the group and want to succeed as a group. New players that stick with it are pretty much showered with loot as long as it’s not a high demand piece like maladath or rejuv gem.

Lots of people hate LC which is fine.
They can just go join DKP guilds and leave those of us that prefer LC guilds alone.

If there’s a large contingent of people who prefer DKP based guilds…they should have no problem forming guilds and operating on their preferred system if LC is so terrible and DKP is so awesome.

Joining an LC guild when you take issue with how LC as a system functions is just stupid. I see players doing it again and again’ then they come to the forums to who e because they subjectively feel they ought to have gotten loot they didn’t get.

Lots of people hating on LC in this thread are fools…because the guy in question was literally on his first raid. If he had DKP, it was almost assuredly less DKP than the person who got Ashkandi had…unkess that person was negative.

Even in a DKP system, this guy would have been highly unlikely to get Ashkandi.

In general, Ashkandi is a PVP weapon / toy…and not a PVE weapon that matters for raid progression over all performance for anybody except hunter.

Imagine if this guy had gotten brought along to a C’thun kill, then gotten passed on for Dark Edge because he simply had worse weapons than everybody else.

The fact that it would have been a bigger upgrade for him compared to anybody else in the raid is irrelevant…because that’s now how loot is distributed in either a DKP or LC system.

The way OP wants loot to work doesn’t even exist on retail…where PVE is basically a giant loot pinata but with tons of gross RNG and much less player agency to distribute loot.

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88 DPS.
18% parse for his ilvl.

Clearly he is a talented DPS Warrior that only needs great gear to do amazing DPS.


As is always the case with any guild, your mileage may vary.

I run a guild with Loot Council, and Officers generally don’t see first dibs. I mean heck, I’m the guild leader and Main Tank and I still don’t have a DFT, Maladath, or other big ticket items despite 4x and 3x of them dropping respectively.

We’re by no means a hardcore guild, and AQ40 has been a struggle for us, but we’re 5/9 at the moment.

Some loot councils are run fairly. We meticulously track attendance, loot, and factor in rolling 60-day attendance as well as last loot/significance of loot. In practice, our loot council acts similarly to a human curated Suicide Kings, but with special consideration for the significance of the items recently won.

We have one of the lowest turnover rates in our guild that I can imagine (3 people left on amiable terms in 5-6+ months?).

NONE of my officers would be whispering a new recruit LOLing at them or spamming public channels trying to make fun of them (like in OPs post). They’d be yelled at if they did.

Find good leadership – that’s what it comes down to.

Honestly, the whole “you need to EARN it” is a bit of a misnomer since you’re earning it by being there and helping the team. It’s like expecting people to work for free until you decide they “deserve” to get paid. There are reasons to not let trials have gear but generally speaking they are selfish and stem from a desire to put the collective above the individual while at the same time asking the individual to contribute without getting anything in return.

However in the OP’s case the guild sounds like a bunch of scumbags. If someone already has better gear, and the item isn’t a significant upgrade, there’s zero reason other than being a jackass to not give it to someone who can use it, regardless of their time with the guild. It also sounds like they showed what kind of people they are by trying to blackball the OP for leaving over their obvious bias.

Sounds like you haven’t read the whole post.


We got many of them. There isnt a war in our guild that spend more then min dkp on it.

Anything left to bump? Anybody else wanna get triggy with it?

There is so much wrong cringe entitlement attitude in that post I just cant even.

No one in their right mind would give a massively great end game item even if it is mostly for pvp over someone who literally just got there. I would give it to a holy paladin whose been there forever over a fresh warrior who does almost no dps and didnt even bother to world buff properly nor consume properly.

There’s zero reason to demand something you didn’t earn unless you know you can’t earn it in the first place.


Bad analogy. It’s more like someone expecting their two week paycheck in the first day of work.


If we’re going down the employment analogy, your first few raids are more like an internship.

in his case it’s like if an NBA team invited a terminally ill patient to practice once and he asked for a salary.

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