Black Wing Layers to this

Give it a few weeks bwl will absolutely be puggable. Last night the try hards were in there fighting for server first to emphasize the size of their junk. The rest of the raiders will be on there Friday/ Saturday steam rolling it. Three to four weeks pugs will be rolling through it. Just like Mc.

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So you got carried


These guilds have been playing on private servers for years, and preparing for BWL release, they have had their guilds practicing BWL for the last few months over and over on these pservers. They can literally reset the fights over and over to tweak strats/dps etc…

My guild does not have access to our own private server to do this…so yes much better prepared.

I’m am a warlock after all lol


I have no idea why somebody would PUG any of these. Just join a raiding guild.

If your guild doesn’t raid find another, or don’t raid. Pugging is literally one of the worst experiences a person can undertake in the game.

Here’s an analogy, let’s see if you get it

Anyone can run 100 meters, its not hard, it doesn’t particularly require any skill aside from basic running and requires below average stamina

But to do it in the same time as an Olympic athlete DOES require more skill, practice, preparation and athleticism

So yes, it might not seem like these world first guys are more skilled than you because what they do might seem “simple”… But they definitely are


Of course it is hard for you. You left skeram because the server was too hard.

Thanks for ruining it.


Knowledge is what makes the gap

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Maybe if you weren’t so elitist, everyone wouldn’t have left you to play by yourself.


I’d prefer it to be hard anyways, I’m currently the 2nd ranked Paladin in the world and you’re just some 1k Andy.

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Depends on your servers pug scene, Herod has a few consistent pug groups that clear all the content every week, as long as the pugs you pick up are good you can pug BWL.

Mythic raids in retail are unlocked for cross realm once enough guilds ahve cleared it, and people do successful pug modern mythic raids, you just have to tell most players in the pug player pool that they aint coming.

And you got rejuv gem and teir 2 shoulders first run

you are quite the qt


all it takes is 1 tank who knows what tf he/she is doing. if they know correct positioning for broodlord/firemaw/chromaggus, how to kite the techies properly…only the main tank’s job should be more difficult. obviously higher dps = easier clear, but as long as your tank is doing mechanics properly, its barely more difficult than MC.

It will be puggable 100%, especially after ZG comes out and 60 warrior alts can get some decent catchup gear. I expect to see gold bid runs, selling the BiS trinkets for thousands of gold.

The constant crying from the pvpers beg to differ

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To be totally honest, PVP was put into the game at a late stage in development, kind of as an afterthought.

The initial idea was horde and alliance players could choose to play together.

WoW’s PVP has always been rather simplistic not terribly optimal

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You can pug Heroic raids in retail, and BWL is a joke in comparison.

But in retail, you can recruit pugs easily through LFD and weed out the bad players with achievements & gear checks. One thing I’ve noticed with Classic is that every half-competent player has gone the path of least resistance and joined a guild to raid. That means that whatever is left for pugs are a bunch of terrible players.

Finally, BWL is 100% dictated by the quality of your tanks. If you have 3 good tanks, you can bring 37 idiots and clear this raid. If you have 3 bad tanks, you can bring the best 37 players in the world and wipe all night.

Bad tanks would have gone unnoticed in MC / ONY, and are now being revealed in full glory.

I’m elitist? But I’m just some 1000 ranked scum?

I was in invoke, I was there for all the debates. I know why you, time lapse etc all left. You are cowards

Tanks need healed, threat from dps, ony back, rogues for the traps, run outs on vael, and list goes on.

So, no you cannot bring just some mouth breathers.

I doubt it will be able to be pugged at first but probably eventually. You have to remember the guilds clearing in 40 minutes are not only min-maxed to the nines but have also done this content on private servers for years and years. When you’ve done the raid every week for years, of course you’ll know everything there is to know about it and it won’t be a challenge.

Part of the main appeal IMHO of Classic/Vanilla is that there are still multiple tiers of content valid for multiple people. It isn’t like Retail where they pushed the idea to invalidate everything before the most current tier so it’s either you can do the latest tier or you must be a terrible player. Classic isn’t like that. There will be people who don’t clear BWL. There might be people who can only kill a couple bosses, or even just Razorgore. But that’s okay because those people can work towards their goals without caring about what others do.

Hell I bet some people’s goal might just be to kill Ony and Ragnaros, and they will feel like they’ve “won” the game if they did that for whatever reason. And that’s a good thing. The whole “keeping up with the Joneses” mentality is awful for WoW because it lumps everyone into the same bucket and then peer pressure comes into play about how “good” or “bad” you are because there is no more levels of play.

I don’t think you’ve ever raided BWL. You cannot clear BWL with 3 good tanks and a bunch of terribads, you probably won’t make it past Vael, and you certainly couldn’t do firemaw. chromag, or nef. If you had ever done the raid, you would know.

Side note, Heroic raids in retail must be laughably easy if you can clear them with randos you picked up in LFD and the only vetting you did was an achievement check. Not surprised, it’s retail.

BWL is easier than LFR. BWL was sooo East took my guild less than 50 minutes to one shot everything.

I’ve actually seen people wipe week 1 in LFR.

Retail just takes way more skill

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