Black & White Hair for Void Elves Please!

I’ll be honest, I don’t play Void Elf, but black and white seems like it naturally be a hair choice for them, blondes are cool glad they’ll be available but black and white seem to have that edgy aesthetic that goes with Void Elf.

It’s still early days on the announcement I’m sure they are coming :grin:


I’m guessing you aren’t blind, but you obviously don’t know what black is. Go to the character creation screen and tell me which color is black. It’s bluish gray, not black.


You sure don’t. Because they added true black to Bloof Elfs in 9.0.


can you just go one thread without resorting to your 12 year old semantics?

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

christ sakes.

The scholars there already imply the exact lore changes you’re wanting for Void Elves like Alleria. Although the Void Elves also include the Allerian High Elves. Which honestly is the most lore we’ve gotten for any of the racial customization additions. Which is why it’s always so funny when people try and fight the idea of Void Elves having normal hair colors…although I was also in the boat that thought we’d get Brown, Dark Brown, Black, Maybe a Dirty Blonde, and a Platinum Blonde.


Without your toxic trolling? That’d be great, thanks.

Go away, toxic troll.


Black hair pls


They don’t say anything but it’s the logical explanation, yeh.

What? No they don’t.

sooooo no.

Sooo no. Ok.

Logically they do. There were three factions of High Elves post Blood/High Elven split. The largest group was formed by Varessa and became the Silver Covenant. The medium group, are present in the City of Dalaran, mostly civilians. But they’ve largely merged into the Covenant as well. Then the last group, were an off shoot led by Alleria, and fiercely loyal to her. It stands to reason that as she’s going around gathering forces for the Alliance, that she also gets her squadron/faction back.


No. Void Elfs are Void Elfs. They aren’t High Elfs. Those High Elfs are separate. Don’t start making up dumb reasons to link them. There’s no reason to. None.

The link is Alleria, as their leader. They’ve openly said that they were debating how to initially make the Void Elves. Their OG plan was to have a simialar feature to Worgens. So that Void Elves looked like High Elves, but had a secondary Void Form. Granted the Void Form was more optional then Worgen Form. But their team decided it would be considered unfair to give the Alliance two races that had double forms like that. So they scrapped the idea, and we got the Blueberry Elves as a result. It’s also part of the reason we see both Magister Umbric and Alleria as leaders of the faction, due to their initial concept direction…

Now, I’m not saying that the Allerain High Elves ARE the Void Elves, just that members of the Allerian High Elves, are logically also wondering around Telogrus Rift with Alleria, as they are her faction. So one could assume some of them may’ve undergone a similar transformation like the other High Elf Scholars do, although the last part is a bit of a narrative idea, rather then being explicitly laid out.


Alleria isn’t their leader. :roll_eyes::roll_eyes::roll_eyes:

She is their leader though. The official description of the Void Elves, is that they are Alleria’s crack strike team of Elves. They were even unveiled this way at Blizzcon.

That’s also a large factor in why they Blueberry Void Elves join the alliance. Because she agrees to teach them how to survive the whispers of the void, but only if they swear fealty to her and the Alliance.


She’s not the leader of the H I G H E L F S

Au contraire mon frere!


Helps if you’d read. She’s not the leader of the HIGH ELFS.


That’s actually debatable to some extent. She might not be the leader of “all” High Elves, but correct me if I’m wrong (and I very well could be), isn’t she still the leader of the High Elves in the Allerian Stronghold?

And according to Game Director Ion Hazzikostas:

“Void Elves, are pretty much another flavor of High Elves”

And then there’s the fact that the presence of High Elf Wayfarers in Telogrus implies that some High Elves are joining the Ren’dorei (I do agree it’s not concrete proof and only an implication), a group she is more definitely a leader of (even if she co-leads with Umbric).

With all that I don’t think it’s unreasonable to consider her the leader of some High Elves.


It ain’t. She wasn’t even around for a while. She leads the Void Elfs.

Why the hell do you people have to turn every damn Void Elf discussion into your High Elf obsession? :roll_eyes: