Black & White Hair for Void Elves Please!

I don’t have to. But to say Alleria isn’t a leader of at least some High Elves is something I do believe is debatable depending on one’s point of view.


It’s called h e a d c a n o n.

God I’m so done with this thread because you people have to make everything about your stupid High Elfs.

You all have a point here. But at the end of the day, White, Black and Brown for Void elves please :heart: So what if it’s 7-8 colours instead of 5 that are added? We were in dire need of colour variety. It’s still fine :raised_hands:


White, Black and Brown are very popular colours and fit both themes tbh so it’s logical to add those as well. Hope to see them in 9.1.5


Velves in dire need of colors? The Nightborne have filed a request for you to take several seats please.

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What, they aren’t happy with their 7 shades of white? :heart::sweat:


Whose to say :crazy_face: Not that I’m against more added customs for Velves request like black and white hair as I see the appeal it would have on them especially black, the “dire need” just had me like “OOF.JPG that verbiage :grimacing:.” And have direct sympathy to again bring up that Nightborne are the ones in dire need.

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They already have 2 shades of white.

Of I apologize, no I’m not just talking about the shades of color, that being black or white, I’m talking about the -OVERVALL- lack of customs Nghtborne have color wise, skin wise ect. Although this may be an irrelevant post once things hit the ptr and we see what they got. As for the images I’ve only seen purples.


<—points to her character’s black hair. My blood elf mage also has black hair and so do playable KTs. On the subject, yes I was stunned that black wasn’t one of the natural shades given to velves since it already exists on their npcs, it actually fits both themes (black as the void…) and adding it would simply be a matter of unticking a ‘npc only’ box. Alleria has stark white hair when she shifts into void form so that seemed like an easy choice.

If anything I was expecting white, black, brown, some shade of blonde, and some random color. I figured more than one shade of blonde and deep red would be retained as blood elf exclusive options.


All of the requests from the forum was for helf appearances, so that’s probably why they chose the colors they did. Maybe they will add black and white also during the ptr since it’s one of the easier tasks in programming to just change a color.


Oh, you’re good. I was responding to the OP. Sorry I should have quoted her.


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lol, You posted the nice version of what I said last night… Good on you, you got the upvotes you deserved.

Lol mine woulda been better recived…but I was a cranky evil demon last night.

B&W hair should been on the original package. 2 identical grey hair colors is wasteful and so it the 2 identical platnium blondes they want to give us is just as wasteful.


They should not remove anything though. I am quite fond of the light blondes on the left. I do not see them as pure White though. A Black is sorely needed, really.

Vereesa is the leader of the High Elves, not Alleria.

That said, as seen in the Windrunner Comic from pre-BFA, Alleria and Vereesa are both stalwart on the Alliance.

Is she the leader of all non-horde affiliated High Elves? Or is she just the leader of the Silver Covenant? Honest question here. If you have lore references stating that she’s the leader of more than just the Silver Covenant, I’d be glad to read it and correct myself.


Black and White were literally the only colors I cared enough about to ask Blizzard for and the ones I thought made the most sense Void-wise. Sad that neither were added.


Not what he said is that leading a group which contain some high elf doesn’t make you the high elf leader.

When Sylvanas was warchief, she was the leader of the horde and the forsaken but still wasn’t the troll leader. Kadgar and other mage are the leader of Dalaran which contain blood elf and yet they aren’t the blood elf leader.

If leading some high elf make you the high elf leader, than Lor’themar is the real high elf leader.

Lor’themar is the Blood Elf leader.

When using the term High Elf, I’m talking about those that are either neutral or Alliance allied, but I am pretty sure you knew that before you posted.

With that said, as Ion Hazzikostas has reminded us in the past, the High Elves (as in those that do not identify as Blood Elves, and are not members of the Horde), are not a coordinated, consolidated group, and have no single “leader”.


You yourself said:

Implying that being the leader of void elf make Alleria the leader of high elf since void elf are high elf… If leader the void elf make Alleria the leader of high elf, so is leading the blood elf.

Since you like to quote Ion so much, you should also quote when he said that blood elf are pretty much high elf…

The mental gymnastic used to come to conclusion that void elf are high elf but blood elf aren’t high elf is insane.