Black Proto-Drake

Why hasn’t this mount been put on at the BMAH yet? Plagued was added and it seems Blizzard just forgot to add the Black one or added the Rusted one by mistake.


Unsure. Why isn’t classic questing gear on the Bmah? Or naxx 40 weaponry? There’s so much that could be tossed on there. Remember when they went back and added Ordos gear? :melting_face: Also the Bruto might still be bugged and not showing up.

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Looks like it never will be:

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Never gonna happen…


Never will happen. The people who complained that the glory achievement going into 3.1 would be too easy, swayed blizz’s hand back then. You’re lucky that they brought back the plagued at the least.

You can try in wrath classic and hope for some long shot that blizz reverses their no classic metaprogression/collection being put into retail stance after wrath is over.


The Naxx 40 weaponry uses the same models as the weapons that are in Naxx 10/25, the only weapon that is unique to Naxx 40 is the Corrupted Ashbringer, which yeah, that’s not on the BMAH yet.

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I’ll be so mad if they do this, I didn’t bother with classic for this reason.

Probably racism



Okay, I stand corrected, the ‘decent’ looking weapons from Naxx 40 are in Naxx 10/25, the trash weapons are bad and can stay out.

Jeez all of those are ugly.


blizzard specifically said if there was enough support they would add it. They added plagued after all so that proves my point. Blizzard knew it was a mistake removing them in the first place.

I remember Immortal/Undying be cancer to the game. Had a guildie die to KT and get ridiculed by other toxic guild member. He quit right after that and never returned.

I am confused. You would be mad if someone got a reward from classic in retail?


I would be really annoyed if classic rewards translated to retail.

That would break the spirit of classic.

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Compare how many scarab lords, thunderfuries, glaives, hand of a’dal, champion of naaru, war bears, rank 14s, etc you saw in classic vs what you played back then or even managed to see later on in tbc and wrath. The reward structure is borked given the type of people these days.


I mean I guess. I am not concerned of many or how rare anything is. Someone else getting something that I have doesn’t bother me.

Find me a source where that would “break” the spirit of classic. Imagine hating people on retail getting someone they earned in classic …


It does though cause that was a driving premise for classic.

Incoming paraphrased classic andy delusion:

To not play a game where everyone was the hero. Or to be decked in legendaries like how blizz “showers” players with welfare gear in retail land which is only 99% populated by people who only do lfr and where mythic raiding is actually easier than pre-nerf c’thun or muru (or w/e). Where people enjoy leveling and that’s a big part of the game.

And what did we get?
-mage boosting because no one liked leveling
-botting which then funded rmt to then fuel gdkp and boosting
-early on layering abusing in raids to get extra loot chances
-botting for rank 14
-anti-logout botting
-an entire region being banned for win-trading when arena came out
-communal gear rogues bidding 6 figure for glaives
-rmt to get gold to then fund one’s own push for scarab lord

How can people claim they want things to mean anything and then turn around and do the above? Like even my friend got upset with his guild doing the nonsense that he quit playing because the cheaters kept on forcing guild priorities plus reward flows.

We all are playing a social game and what others have affects your drive to do said content. Something perceived to be trivial and easy has no push toward it. Something deemed hard has a sort of reverence. But when things are turned into a meme it makes me question peoples’ words in the first place.


You’re supposed to kill the spoider last, and have anybody prone to dying die to trash first.

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They need to add it, along with other items.


I have the black drake, should have never been removed. Don’t understand why the Plagued (which I wanted but didn’t get) made BMAH, while black didn’t. Then again, half the crap the development does don’t make no damn sense.


He claimed he DC"d but I dont remember exactly. I think death was caused by a KT mine. but the kid was never to be heard from again. Like truly worrying situation within the guild for the months after.


Oh, that’s unfortunate. All it can take is one horrific experience, yeah.

It was pretty easy to space out and not see them, which is why you’d opt to kill the least threatening boss last. If the run got bricked prior to that (as you killed the hardest bosses first) then it’s whatever and you’d try the next week.

I did it during ICC and it was only like 7 of us for all the bosses because everybody else was scared of dying, lmao

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