Black Proto-Drake

Maybe memory serves me wrong but didnt you have to complete the wings before giong to KT first?


I don’t remember when they implemented it but eventually you were able to do saph/kt first, and then you’d kill the big spider last as it was the least lethal.

In hindsight I wish I sold carries of it but I was in a relatively casual guild that didn’t dabble in that.


Show me where I said hate?

Rarity, like the real word, has value to people.

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Rarity in the real world still can be sought after. Unless you propose players can sell their mounts to other players? Besides, digital goods.


I have both of them

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Why BMAH, just put the mounts back on the meta achievements like every other meta achievement since. I personally don’t care about them, i just think that adding them back to their respective achievements has more gameplay value to the community as a whole, rather than putting them on the BMAH so the 1% types have another thing to fight over goldcapping.


They added the rusted one? Can’t you still get that normally? :thinking:

Wait for real? I didn’t even know they removed them. You can’t get the ironbound drake anymore? Geeze. Thank God I got that before they removed it, lol. That was one of the reasons I started playing. :dracthyr_crylaugh:


It has been speculated that the Rusted Proto-drake (instead of black) was added by mistake since it is still available in the Glory Meta achievement. It seems like a very silly addition to the BMAH esp considering it was never removed. I believe it is a bug.

Still need to keep the rarity somewhat. Not sure if that will go over well with the elitists.

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Yeah cause they stated they wouldn’t allow it so I didn’t bother playing to obtain items


Not many common sense suggestions do.


Okay so it…wasn’t taken out?

brain fizzles and boils over

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No you can still get it as well as every other meta.

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That’s what I thought. :thinking:

Can they do that for like…the Grove Warden too? Pretty please with eggs on top? :grin:

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Well, at least you admit to it being a delusion. I always find it kind of funny how people who put Classic on a pedestal get so hung up on the ‘exclusivity’ of something and say the current game is crap because things are “too accessible” or “not exclusive” enough.

The fact that there’s a subset of players who cry and wail about their gear/epics ‘not being special’ enough reeks some pretty sweaty loser energy. It was pathetic when people were moaning and groaning back in OG Wrath, and it’s still pathetic now. Even when Titanforging was still a thing, a full maxed out ilvl set of gear was reserved only for the people who devoted a lot of time to PVE.

I remember watching this absolute crapshow of a “”“video essay”“” from some kid getting his panties in a twist about how raiding had lost its prestige because it was made too accessible, as though hard content in the game was removed outright, and if Blizzard adhered to his advice and people like him, this game would’ve been a flop a long time ago. I’m IMMEDIATELY suspicious of people who say mythic raiding has become ‘too easy’. Even in the rare event the ones saying it have a few AOTCs or even the odd CEs, the statistics still speak for themselves.

I can’t really articulate how ridiculous I find people who complain about not feeling special in this game without potentially slipping into outright mockery. Comments like this:

are kind of laughable and VERY much the same delusional schlock that the stereotypical Classic players had before the re-release of the game. Even if you had every single CE since Mists, I’d still find it laughable. It really goes to show how that loud minority of players who worshiped Classic like the Second Coming didn’t understand what ACTUALLY made the game difficult back in the day.


We’ll see how wrath plays out and the returning wrath babies from then see how perverse their beloved game has become given the players these days.

And I’ll be there to laugh at the delusional classic andy cope.


I have my black proto drake and the old end of days model. I think the black protodrake should stay off the BMAH as that was one of the more stupid achievements to get. One or two things stupidly rare isnt going to hurt the game. I do feel bad for those who couldn’t get it but let those who played back then have something at least.

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I got mine so everyone can go to hell! The handful of other people spending 10 million for “your” mount isn’t going to hurt the game either. besides any achievement that requires the reliance on other players internet connection (immortal, undying) is also cancer and should of never been part of the game.

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I liked their original idea.

Remove meta mounts after the content isn’t current.

The week before we got immortal we had a run going perfect up until KT and our mage pulled aggro a few seconds into the pull and got 1 shot.

Vent was…silent.

But since we got it the following week everything was forgiven.

Black Proto-Drake

The most beautiful of all proto drakes.

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