Yeah, well on Faerlina, It seems to typically be listed for anywhere from 150g to 200g, with it currently being a little south of the low side on that, around 145g, if you’re looking for an actual reference point.
There is no black lotus problem.
Flasks should be used by tanks and maybe healers, dps have no need to flask.
And even then that’s for progression.
My raid group has BWL on farm, we are debating even using flasks on our tanks at this point for any of the current raids. We don’t use it for MC, we aren’t using it for ZG. And when AQ comes out we will be past using them for BWL for at least a few months by that time.
Flasks reduce the punishment a raid receive for an error in raid. They are not needed in any content, even naxx won’t “need” flasks.
That said if blizzard chose to do something to change the spawn rate of BL I would prefer the method of making it spawn off of 250+ lvl herbs with a 1% drop chance to drope ONE BL, similar to how swift thistle spawns but a much lower rate and only one drops. This means per every 100 herb nodes picked, there would be one extra BL (statistically speaking).
They could even go a step farther and require 305 herbalism to have the drop chance happen. This would make the herb gloves / enchant actually considered more than it is.
Imagine trying to invite him to a group.
Wonder what the nochanges crowd would think if Retails dynamic node spawns were turned on?
It kinda works like personal loot. I see a lotus and pick it, it despawns for me but remains there for the next guy. Not sure how many get to pick it before it vanishes for a time.
It would crash those 100g each prices though. But if the point is to equal spawns with the population increase, it’s something Blizzard may actually be able to do.
That’s 2 more lotus a day than 99% of the general forums according to all the black lotus posts.
This should have been done instead of layers.
It means you need to multibox and have no life, literally. Be a corpse, watch the spawn. Thats what lotus has come to.
You can get by without flasks but you need black lotus to summon a ZG boss:
The supply-demand ratio of black lotus is far worse than it was in Vanilla, resulting in a much different game experience. Wasn’t the whole idea to try to replicate Vanilla as much as possible?
Either cap servers to the original populations, provide faster respawns of nodes to match population, make black lotus a co-loot with other herbs, or add drops in places like ZG so that the supply-demand ratio can match what it was in Vanilla.
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Imagine if they did the same thing with Arcane Crystals, we’d hear crying about those too. I dont know why blizz treated black lotus differently. They should have a chance to be picked from high level herbs, just like crystals from thorium. It would not crash the market at all, it would drive the prices down. I have been 60 for a few months now and have not seen one lotus.
People have bots and alts sitting on these spawns and picking them within seconds of spawning. It’s madness.
Only reason to be against this is if you are part of some “lotus mafia” or you have the flask market cornered.
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This. So far 2 people who frequent these threads have eventually outted themselves as Lotus farmers. At least they are honest. Aside from Lotus farmers protecting themselves, there are no valid reasons against treating Lotus the same as Arcane crystals.
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but I thought “yOu dOnT nEeD fLaSkS tO cLeAr cOnTeNt” was a valid reason
OP, your name gives me a headache just looking at it.
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So when I posted this it was a problem and they’ve admitted it is a problem they created by increasing server caps, but they don’t seem to be working towards fixing the problem they created.
Is it laziness? What seems to be the issue here?
They made a change to the game, and that change has caused problems, it’s that simple. Please Blizzard, add a fix for the change you made to the game because spending hundreds of gold for a flask is not vanilla-like in the slightest.
You’re a smart group of people, so run the numbers and do the maths, a black lotus should cost around 50 gold per but they seems to be going for closer to 200… it’s almost as if the demand is roughly 4x higher… weird.
Servers have vastly more people yet nodes that were designed for 2500 were untouched
300g+ black lotus is nuts and idc how strongly you try to justify it, blizz dun goofed