If the server pops were the same as they were 20 years ago, you might have a point. But they aren’t so you don’t. What kind of fail game designer would put literally tens of thousands more players on a server and keep Black Lotus spawns the same?
I’m really sick of people trying to blame the players for Blizzard’s failures. It’s lunacy.
Blizzard already changed the rules of the game not the players. Ore and herb gathering are directly impacted by that rule change. All we are doing is asking that Blizzard be consistent with how those rules are applied.
AGAIN, and really sick of repeating myself, the lack of resources and the insane AH prices which leads to RMT which leads to more botting, is BLIZZARD’S FAULT.
There is a significantly large population playing in Anniversary whose sole goal is to parse. You can get into the argument about parsing culture but that’s neither here nor there.
It just seems like there is also a large vocal forum population that believes even though this game is 20 years old we should somehow forget everything we know and go back in time and treat it like its the Vanilla raid experience.
Your implication seems to lean towards “people think they need flasks to do the content” when I think you’d be hard pressed to find a single player in 2025 that believes that.
Instead what is happening is “it’s a 20 year old solved game, i want to come back and do even better than I did last time and I have all the tools to do it but I’m being blocked by a 20 year old herb spawning mechanic that Blizzard has already fixed more than once so why won’t they fix it this time”.
The worst part is that eventually Blizzard will fix it and the longer it takes them to do it the more it increases the negative sentiment towards them and this iteration of the game.
The saying “gotta pay to play” is timeless
So just to reiterate again, not a single person is out there thinking they need a flask to do the content. no one. Doesn’t happen. Instead it’s people who don’t want to RMT being upset that the people who do RMT have an unfair advantage when it comes to performance and Blizzard is actively creating situations that favour RMT over legitimate play styles.
its evident that changes are necessary for this iteration, and the changes also dont even need to affect era. you are just doomsaying that the sky is falling.
thats all your argument is, which is honestly incredibly selfish of you. you and your era community are a very SMALL population that are trying to dictate and enforce how the majority should play and what their experience should be.
if all these changes can be made to sod while still on the same client as era, there is no reasonable explanation that a lotus fix should also have to affect era.
if you have this hyper competitive attitude, then shouldn’t you learn how to farm gold or something so you can just buy what you need? like, this is what i don’t get. it’s like wanting to be the best basketball player in the world but complaining that the hoops are too high, wahhh please lower them.
There are 46 Black Lotus on the alliance auction house. Doesn’t matter how much gold you farm, you can’t deck out 10k players with only 46 black lotus.
you keep missing the point and its tarting to feel intentional.
you shoudlnt have to buy materials if you have the ability to harvest them from the world
why is this so hard to understand?
yeah, as a miner/bs i should have to buy herbs. but as an herbalist/alch there is no reasonable explanation of why i should have to do that when i can harvest them from the world, the problem is that too many people are also trying to farm them.
no one is saying they need to flask for mc, but if they choose to flask for mc it shouldnt cost several hundred gold, and an herbalist shouldnt have to buy a lotus in the first place.
you are intentionally missing the point because you know it makes sense and you have some weird fetish of dictating the whats and hows of the way people should play.
ive told you several times and im going to tell you again.
this like your entire premise on these forums, sabotaging anniversary realms so everyone iwll go back to your worthless era server with 6 years of inflation.
They will probably end up changing the lotus, I never argued against that. But the current incessant whining is extremely cringe and soy.
No, they believe they are entitled to it even though its “not needed”. But thats not my argument.
My argument is that it is not “impossible” to farm lotus and the ghosts of their imagination are not real. People just dont know how to farm lotus. Running around at random hoping they see one is not how you do it.
Now if/when they change the lotus, they can simply afk run around farming plaguebloom for it - but thats not todays current reality.
If they don’t change the lotus, then people gotta learn how to get the timers like you do any rare resource or rare spawn. Most dont want to bother doing that
my entire point is there is no boogie man mafia preventing lotus from being farmed. Regular players are farming it and holding them - and anyone smart would, because people are paying these prices for it. If I was farming lotus again I would be doin the same thing
You go to the zone of your choice, and pick up the timers. You pick up timers by sitting at one cluster where the lotus spawns, and eagle eye (if you have it) another cluster.
Once the lotus is picked by either you or someone else, you now can type /dbm timer (10m/15m/etc, whatever your spawn timer is, i believe the blue post says the timer window in it).
You now know when the next lotus spawns
rinse and repeat on as many lotus spawn clusters as you can. If you have a small group of people you can cover the zone.
Timers allow you to not “randomly guess/hope” that they spawn. You know exactly when it opens. This is exactly how you farm devilsaurs as well. When a spawn is about to open you can kill players in your area if you need to. If you are solo and not a hunter or shaman with eagle eye you can hold timers on 2 spawns without much stress.
Eagle eyeing lotus is taking advantage of your class abilities. I dont know what to tell you
Bots clip thru walls but this isnt a widesporead problem. Sorry, its not. My boys have hundreds of lotus sitting in the bank. Where were the wall clipping flying bots? They cant compete with players who contest them, thats what. The video also mentioned “they do this with devilsaurs” - no they dont. bots cannot pvp players. Devilsaurs are completely bot proof UNLESS playersd arent farming them. If no players are farming devilsaurs, there will usually be gold seller players there instead - they kill the bots but cant kill players usually
I dont need to, and ive already seen the “eagle eye hunters” thread years ago. Players are farming lotus and winning. Theyre getting lotus and you arent, i guess. At this point all you can do is pray they change lotus, while everyone else stacks up. I cant really have any sympathy, to be honest. Players are stacking hundreds of lotus while everyone else sits in stormwind crying about bots