Black Lotus Spawn Rate Increased - February 13

Players who are intentionally farming lotus farm it better than bots. Stop using bots as a red herring. Not even blizzard is dumb enough to believe that

If you don’t like how things are done, then you can vote with your wallet.


Best comment in this thread.

I think this is a good change. Might I suggest that you guys unban GDKP next?

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so…u make bots richer…thanks. /facepalm

The issue is bots standing there grabbing them all and holding onto them to make pots/flasks and they can charge whatever they want. Why not do what u did in SoM and make them random drops from high lvl herbs so regular players can farm


can’t wait for the “bots control the market” guys to show up and explain why 50 different players are trying to dump lotus in the trade chat right now and why this is a bad thing or something along those lines


thats literally happing as i type this.

those are players dumping stock

i legit know 30 people who farm lotus all day.

They own those bots

“bot mafia” is an excuse for people who dont know how to farmn lotus

yiou dont just freely run up to a spawn and pick it for free

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Its always people who have no idea how to farm lotus

They think its the same thing as running up to a dreamfoil

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do u even know how to pick flowers brah

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Yes brah, do you?

or rather, have you ever deliberately farmed lotus for a few hours

its not like picking anything else. there is legit pvp at every single spawn as well as using bots to scout for your own gain

If you cant do any of these youll never get any

There are no bots farming lotus. It’s real life gold sellers. And honestly, this is a big slap in the face to the players who have spent countless hours farming them. To date I’ve collected 33 lotus by just roaming around and spending time. It’s a rare herb… why do you keep nerfing it into the ground? First 2019 change now this. Why even play Classic at this point?

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yes i legit know 400 people who farm lotus all day.

Great! So no bot mafia. rather its just steep competition like any scarce resource

Not true dude. Login to burning steppes in the morning when only 15 people are in the zone. It’s easy mode. Blizzard just appealing to the masses at this point.

Layers kill world pvp, most guild activities, blackrock mountain, new rank system promotes AV and only av, no good ways to farm gold beyong boosting or farming lotus/devilsaur.
Whats enxt?

I dont mean to say its impossible bro. Ive run by lotuses myself just chillin there.

my point is people dont know what theyre complaining about

If you ran thru burning steppes picking lotus then these “bot mafia” noobs have no reason to complain

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I’m confused about era. Didn’t they already increase the spawn rates the first time around? I assumed those changes carried over to era. Unless they’re increasing even further.

indeed, on megaservers, lotus are like the world boss of the gathering world, people are putting real effort into getting these, the people picking them aren’t stumbling into them like you’d find a mountain silversage, it can happen but it most likely won’t. I’ve gotten about 5 lotus since the server came up and I’m not part of any mafia, but I was 60 on week 1.

I would wager that the scarcity of these lotus is due to legitimate players buying them from the ah, assuming that they’ll go up over time (fair assumption tbh) but now those players have gotten left holding the bag by a bunch of redditors who don’t even appreciate the change anyway because they watched 1 video of a bot picking a lotus in silithus.

Blizzard do this fairly often that its dangerous to invest in anything now, you never know when reddit are going to find something is too expensive.

I remember in SoD when they announced you’d need fire res, I was buying +20 fr librams for under a gold, then when the patch came out they became like 150 gold. Then the community shocked pikachu faced at needing fire res in molten core and got the libram drop rates increased lmao.


Well, I did mention I would be ecstatic to be wrong so consider me ecstatic.