Thats what I thought, you won’t at the very least show us your character.
I am not gonna press you on it, it’s clear I dont need to
Just pray they drop lotus on plaguebloom, i guess.
Opressed mentality
Thats what I thought, you won’t at the very least show us your character.
I am not gonna press you on it, it’s clear I dont need to
Just pray they drop lotus on plaguebloom, i guess.
Opressed mentality
why would that solve the problem? if increasing the frequency of BL respawn didn’t, this wouldn’t either.
unless you want it to be like 20% proc rate or something? flasks are supposed to be expensive bud
He thinks there will be a fallout with a 1% proc rate. You cant make it up. 1% would barely move the needle.
Personally though i dont think blizzard is gonna do it, for reasons
Anyways. In classic servers could produce 1 lotus per hour, per zone, per layer. So that was 96 lotus a day per server. Far too low.
They increased the spawn rate to 30 minutes in 2020. Cool. Now a server with 1 layer can produce 192 Lotus a day if picked the exact moment they spawned.
So even if they decreased YET AGAIN to every 15 minutes, and 8 layers as you claim on NS, that is 1,536 lotus per day, if picked absolutely perfectly… with a full 8 layers up at all times.
That’s 10K lotus per week, for a server with 20K raiders on it.
Its still not enough up. Moving from 30M per spawn to 15M per spawn will do absolutely nothing to move the needle.
4 x 4 x 8 x 12
(4 zones , 4 per hour each, 8 layers x 12 hours)
There 100% would be, because everyone has a mage alt they farm herbs with… You run DME, guarenteed 3 nodes, each have 3 picks… in 5 runs you are nearly guarenteed a BL at 1% in 5 quick runs.
No need to buy it on the AH, you have your lotus for the week and it took you 15 minutes.
Do you even understand the game bro?
So what? They’re legit meant to be this way.
I don’t see an issue unless you think flasking 40 people in MC should be normal
What does that even mean “they’re meant to be this way”…
This game was originally played with warrior tanks in 0% hit in full tier 1 waiting 40 seconds for full sunders.
I hate that phrase “the way it was meant to be” … its 2025 and the 6th version of vanilla… lets stop it… Theres a very clear and defined meta for how 99.9999% of players play the game.
Stop acting like its 2005 and you have to kick your mother off the phone to play at 15 FPS and 900 ping.
Alot better than you do, you believe “a bot mafia” existed controlling the lotus market, and you think a 1% drop rate on high level nodes wijll crash the market
You are actuallly so stupid its insane
Never speak to me again without posting on your character, so I can see you understand the game. You clearly dont.
It’s called a rare resource.
And nobody is complaining except bad players who cant farm, post on their mains, and are broke. I operate just fine with the servers prices. I dont care. I don’t care that you have to pay to play the way you want. I really do not feel bad for anyone who is too broke to afford their playstyle.
LOL we had one of the biggest bot mafia owners in the game on Incendius in 2021… i know exactly how it works. He was paying 50K for DFT on his 4th and 5th alts like it was nothing.
Just endless printed gold by controlling the entire BL market. One guy… now imagine it 5 years later with server farms… its so insanely easy to do… the level 14 hunter spotter bots are everywhere… /who them if you want… all over the place.
They have a 1% from high level in SoM and SoD and prices are super low… shocking … 1 % is crazy high when you compare to the original ONCE PER HOUR PER ZONE… 1% is easily thousands of percent higher and gives EVERYONE a chance to get BL
I operate just fine too… i have more than enough gold and flask every raid.
Still doesnt make it a good system that doesnt need correcting.
Just because i personally dont suffer from it doesnt mean it shouldnt be fixed. Scrub.
You mean back when it was 1-2 layers max?
You dont, because you failed to mention a 2 layer server vs an 8 layer server
Cool, do not bother continuing this conversation without posting on your main
If you’re a big boy with a flask every raid surely youre a gamer
This is my main, i have 7k posts…
You think Eyr is his main? LOL
The guy had 4 forums alts to crap on SoD over 15,000 posts… and claims he doesnt play Anniversary.
But he agrees with you so its OK…
I’m quite positive you probably are mid.
Is your guild in the top 10 or even front page? If not why even bother flasking the entire raid? Are you keeping your wbuffs to parse? If your playstyle is flask every raid with full wbuffs and cons, surely you all are performing. If not youre wasting your gold? If youre just doing it to clear quickly you dont need a flask for that
Im not asking Eyr, I am asking you. If you had nothing to hide you would just do it
Whats hilarious is that youre actually in a super racist guild name but use a different alt of the same name to claim its your main… Oof your super racist guild name is only #61 on Nightslayer running MC at 40 mins?
YIKES BRO why you still typing?
you why not on main character?
Blizzard - THIS. Flask are back up to around 200g already. Whatever change you did had virtually zero impact.
Circumvent the bots by making Black Lotus behave like Fel Lotus. I literally cannot continue to raid as DPS caster with 250g+ of consumes every week (I refuse to swipe).
flasks aren’t supposed to be used constant, and no one is forcing u to use a flask, quit being irritating and play the game as it supposed to be played, or demand more servers
Log off is a racist guild? lmao
We don’t speed run, we dont even flask besides 5 people, 40 minutes is all good for going in to loot pvp gear, which is all we care about. I only play the game mainly to pvp. Go through my post history, youll never find me claiming to speed clear. I dont join those guilds because they dont do pvp LC
You wont even poat on your main, because you know Im going to find out you are garbage. Trash can pve server player to top it all off hiding behind an alt
Btw NS is only 3 layers right now… so that 1,500 lotus per day is actually now down to 576 lotus per day with 15 min respawn timers.
LOL 8 layers… bro it sits at 3 layers for 90% of the day… this change is literally nothing.