Black Lotus Spawn Rate Increased - February 13

daily update. lotus sitting at 130g per unit. 20 g lower than pre fix.

how long till were higher due to hoarding? blizzard needs to teach “buy the dippers” a lesson. send it lower. 50g each.

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lowering the price by 20g is likely the small adjustment blizzard was going for :expressionless: enjoy

so by your logic blue sapphires should be like 20-30g right? :expressionless: what are they now

increase it more pls

Just needed to add the SOM change.

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Did you just say MAN POWER


8 layers run by bots underground is literally nothing.

They have 100 clients up per computer… the game runs on a toaster.

“Man power” bro it’s controlled by like a single dude… HUH

You seen these bot farms in China? They can run thousands of clients in a single room… it’s what powers 90% of the discourse on Twitter (X)

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Every warrior in the game needs 10 of them.

Everyone rerolling warrior needs 10 of them.

50% of the game plays warrior main. Almost everyone has a warrior alt.

In a game where raids are bringing 27 warriors. That’s 270 blue Sapphires for a single guild. If everyone were to flask it would take 6.5 weeks to get to 270 lotus to for everyone to flask.

That’s the staggering # of blue Sapphires required… even infinite farming can’t keep up

Do you have any concept of scale? Lol

there is no lotus mafia camping nodes. stop it. this is 100% player created.

there are 10s of thousands of level 60s on nightslayer which at peak only has a handful of layers. every zone is packed to the gills.

where is this bot lotus mafia? show me it exists? i want to believe but this seems more like someone screaming about seeing ufos or bigfoot. they just dont exist.

Yeah you have no clue how to play the AH either… these accounts with 150k gold buying every lotus at X price and raising it to Y.

Very doable with the kind of gold they have.

BL in high level nodes is the only way

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that doesnt even make sense. BL market is pretty stable. i peek at it at at a few times a day while im in and out of org or uc.

players set the price with what theyre willing to pay. bots arent buying out lotus en mass. its not happening. stop it.

i agree with the lotus change proposed, but there is no bot lotus mafia. it doesnt exist.

maybe a few bots are trying to camp a few of the hundreds of nodes that black lotus can spawn from hoping to get lucky, and likely sometimes do, but the idea that there is this mafia running hundreds, or thousands, or even 10s of thousands of bots locking down every node is so laughable that it loses its comedic value. its the most incredibly stupid thing i have heard on these forums.

i want to believe, so show me the lotus mafia exists.

Needs to spawn from any higher level herb. You all are taking the lazy way out. Shocker.

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Something that doesnt exist. Man power = coverage. Guess what isnt happening? Coverage, because non bots are farming lotus too, and the experienced farmers are swimming in stacks. XD

You have no idea what in the world you are talking about. I have friends who are farming lotus RIGHT NOW. Do you know what that means?? It means the bot mafia doesn’t exist when their monopoly is broken. If they are actually “trying to corner the lotus market” then they are failing for that reason alone. Random forum posters are picking lotus. The control isnt there.

The price is already down from pre-change. What a powerful mafia! LOL

You don’t know enough about how an in game wow mafia works. You simply cannot achieve this on a server like this. The price is still 130g tho cause people are paying that. It was actually below 100g before, POWERFUL MAFIA LOL, powerful enough to panic dump all their product on the AH amirite?!

Regular players like you and me are doing this without that gold. You are making up scenarios in your head.

People are also not stupid and aren’t undercutting the auction house for no reason, nor are they just flooding the AH with lotus. only idiots would do that.

Regular players have stacks of lotus sitting around too. Lotus won’t even change much even if they put them on plagueblooms and etc, you’ll still be paying 100g for lotus and looking for another excuse

The lotus price doesnt even bother me, not sure why broke people who have never farmed lotus in their life are still pressing their issue

Would you rather Blizzard mail you a lotus allowance every week? Losers

He, nor anyone else in the entire game, will be able to prove it.

Oh guys, he peaks the AH 2-3 times a day vs a bot that is scanning the AH hundreds of times a second and buying underpriced goods the nano second they get posted.

But yeah man the guy who checks the AH once at night at 7:15PM and again at 9PM sure knows way more.

The most L take imaginable. Prices will collapse.

If BL can be found in Gromsblood and Dreamfoil then the prices will collapse. Again, they can be infinitely farmed in DME, so people can farm their own before raid very easily.

How many Ls you gonna take man

They will lower more, they won’t collapse.

You don’t even know the “proc rate”, yet are claiming a conclusion.

Under what proc %?

You havent posted a single W this entire thread, you lost at “bot mafia”

Post on your main, youve been around a while, sometimes post decent takes, sometimes post garbage like now.

Are you at least a decent player?

Even if its 1% the prices will collapse. Beyond collapse.

Obviously… look at the prices of servers that have done BL in high level nodes… the prices arent NEARLY what they are on anniversary.

SoM, SoD, none of them had these issues.

Classic needs more servers more than increased spawn rates…ffs i spend about an hour a day in BS looking for thorium and might get 1 every 3 days…“but go farm DM you say” you mean the exploit that should have been fixed years ago? Still open world farming should not be this trash…

Its classic wow, the difference between the worst player imaginable and the best player to exist is like 3 APM LOL.