Black Lotus Spawn Rate Increased - February 13

no bot mafia locking the resources down, just the 5,000 other herbalists that also want lotus’s.

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I would suggest that anyone who thinks Black Lotus aren’t being heavily farmed by bots spend several days farming them to see.

I have been farming Black Lotus heavily for weeks and the amount of bots in Silithus and Burning Steppes is disgusting. If I’m lucky I’ll get maybe one lotus a week.

youre a bad player. i farmed lotus and got avg one per 2 hours before the change.

I dropped herb because its not that profitable, but its even easier now from what I hear.

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maybe but pretty sure ya’ll just unlucky :expressionless: keep grindin

I have spent 2 hours each day since this change farming Lotus and I’ve gotten one lol.

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ok but you probably got lots of other herbs during this time right :expressionless:

youre a bad player.

Yes, running between lotus spawns is a skill game.

i farmed lotus and got avg one per 2 hours before the change.

It’s so weird seeing people openly lie to defend bots.

I dropped herb because its not that profitable, but its even easier now from what I hear.

Ah yes, the whole “i don’t know but i know someone that knows someone that knows”.

You seem like a completely reasonable and honest person and I totally believe you.

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That’s the game I play now. Farm until I have herbs enough to sell to buy two black lotus or get a single black lotus naturally.

I’ve pulled 2x arcane crystals from the regular thorium nodes in Silithus before seeing a lotus.

Is the AH controlled by humans keeping the lotus price absurdly high? Yes.

Is the farmable Black Lotus spawns camped heavily by bots? Also yes.

These two things are not mutually exclusive.

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Black lotus back to 120+g per unit. Blizzard implementation failed. Supply on AH has not increased.

120g for a black lotus is fine :expressionless: this is the truth you must learn to accept

flasks are very powerful potions that persist through death. they are supposed to be expensive.

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Not just that


There are only 36 black lotus on Alliance side Nightslayer.

I just wish someone at Blizzard was accountable for this cluster

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that doesn’t mean anything
if those get bought the AH players will list more from their bank :expressionless:

Not understanding the nuance of what it means isn’t the same as not having a meaning.

Maybe read more books and less WoW forums.

Yeah, that’s my take as someone who actually herbs a lot. Bots are definitely out there, but they don’t completely lock out any herbs like some are saying.

Seems like some bot complainers are too quick to give up. “Yeah, I used to be a lotus farmer, it’s a tough racket” takes a shot of whiskey

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complete L take.

120g for a lotus… is absurd.

Flasks aren’t that powerful. They are good sure, not 4 hours of farming for 1 part of said flask.

If there wasn’t a bot mafia and there was a true market the price would be like 17-20g for a BL, which is far better and more accurate.

BL should be included as a chance in high level nodes.


i thoguht you said flasks were insignificant, and if you werent such a coward to keep your post history private id be able to quite you several times saying that.

Right. Before the change (and who knows what the change is, exactly) lotus spawned once per hour in Winterspring, Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, and Silithus. So we’re to believe you got a little over 12% of ALL black lotus because you’re just that good of a player.


“bot mafia” lol :expressionless:

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There isn’t a bot mafia

Completely absurd take

Is there a blue sapphire mafia?
No… because anyone can (and are) freely farm them. Why are they still as high as they are?

You simply cannot mafia these types of resources on a server with this many layers. It would require completely unrealistic player coop to do so, and bots do not have the capability to outperform players when players decide they want to farm. As soon as outside competition farms a resource that “a mafia” attempts to corner, the “mafia” is broken

Black lotus being 100+ gold doesnt surprise me or any normal person. Only broke people

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You really haven’t seen bots zooming under the ground? Oh, I’ve seen it many, many times.

Why isn’t there evidence? Because they’re moving insanely fast. Good luck snapping a screenshot when they’re on your screen for half a second out of nowhere with no warning.