Black Lotus and WSG Adjustments

Right you hoarded 100 lotus for ahn’qiraj … sure…
not our fault you didn’t sell it when it was 200g a flower, you wanted it to be 300g a flower.
that’s what you get for greed/hoarding
its literally a sin


And sell when it seems to good to be true, amazing that people kept hoarding past the 200-220g point on my server. I would’ve sold my stack for 5k gold

This is not normal economics, this is blizzard changing the mechanics of the game radically changing how an item works. i feel blizzard should compensate flask dealers for this loss. what these haters dont realize that weather we sell at 150 or 400 the profit margins are the same 5-20g depending on competition between other dealers.

Hoarding and greed is what caused this problem, I really don’t feel bad for these people… sorry…
we all know that 90% of them or more were just abusing the market and enjoy gold/money so much that this is what they do with their time.


You put all your money in one basket, and that market crashed. It happens to A LOT of people ALL the time.


Then why are you angry? You can still make money buying it off the-

Found your problem.

The price of an item fluctuating is 100% normal economics. That you chose to horder them beyond their peak because you thought they would go higher is on you not blizzard.

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Bravo. This fix’s half the problem. Now just get rid of all the bots destroying the game

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I bet diamond sellers get butt hurt when a new source is found too.

Nah they just buy out every new source as soon it is discovered


So if any of you are mad about either side of this lotus problem look at Blizz to place blame. Servers should have been capped at 5k max pop. Thats 2500 each faction if 50/50 balance. People have this idea in their head that servers should all be like Nostalrius private server that had 10-15k pop, granted it had dynamic respawns but it was huge mess. The problem is Blizz decided to not place proper caps, which led to layering, and shortage of resources. Now once again we had layering and massive queue times to get ingame, well if the caps were enforced at the get go then we wouldnt be in this mess with lotus or raiders not getting onto their realms. Also Blizz doesnt want to try to get free xfers out to guilds and try to balance servers lacking horde/ally, or reduce the massive 10 servers into 20 high pop solid servers. Blizz as a company is to blame for making a mess of the game we all love. Stop going after each other on the forums and go after the people causing the issues. Listen to your playerbase Devs. Bring back layering if we have to so atleast people can play the game. Increase spawn timers for all herbs if we have 3x the actual vanilla server caps. Let people xfer to play with their friends and families.

To be fair, the vast majority of responses I’ve seen here are overwhelmingly in support of this change. I personally think it’s great, but I’m surprised to find so many others who agree. Once again, it turns out that the tryhard mentality that is so pervasive on these forums isn’t so popular after all.


Its not that tryhards are the issue, every game has try hards it is always personal preference. The issue is blizz should have done better, they are not a new company, this is not their first go round, they are making mistakes that have already been made. Of course this lotus change is a good thing, but why not have it already been implemented from the start…how can a Dev not know 10k pop with 4 lotus an hour won’t cause massive inflation and shortage? This whole thing is silly because most of us that played real vanilla saw this coming in phase 1.

Lmao even all the nochanges people want these changes

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You realize that Covid gave a ton of servers queues that never had them before, right?

Don’t be such a buzzkill, Karen.

the simple solution being that Blizz actually aim for the #nochanges they claimed and have realistic server sizes.

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Time will tell.

Foolishly invested in a one dimensional way assuming it would last longer, got burned and thinks it’s unfair.

Haha, that’s funny. The majority of alliance players are in premades, with the result that horde wins 30-45% of matches other than AV. Why aren’t you in one of those horde roflstomping premades?

Seriously, I would love to see separate queues for premades. It is exceedingly difficult to put together a premade on my low population server. I assume that you play alliance in classic since you’re posting on alliance here. If that is the case, and horde premades make pvp as miserable for alliance as alliance premades do to horde, then having a separate premade queue makes a lot of sense. I’d much rather have a genuine fight with alliance than another heart-to-heart session with the spirit guide.

It’s almost like this change happened purely to benefit whining casuals who can’t be bothered playing the game.

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It’s a game, not work.
Get a job

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