Black Lotus and WSG Adjustments

Exactly! It’s baffling that people don’t understand this. 5 times the server populations and vastly more players raiding too. It’s not 5-10 good guilds per server, it’s many dozens.

The fact is, by doing nothing until now, Blizzard was by default causing a change from Vanilla. Updating the rates to match server and raid populations in reality is replicating how it was back then.

They just need to tweak regular herb spawn rates up slightly as well because those are more scarce than they were back in vanilla.


Wowhead will have a player made map for certain. Its been two days since your post I wonder if there is a spawn location map there already.

Casuals already flasking in pvp :rofl: :rofl:

raids were already easy, now that every single person can flask

in b4 a day after aq comes out people will be asking for nax due to how easy it is

Clicking nodes aint some hardcore aspect of the game.


Flasks are still twice as expensive as they were in Vanilla. And the vast majority still won’t flask after this change.


What are you guys gonna do about AV?

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Arcanite isn’t 100g on every server, everything you listed is at least HALF that cost on Mankrik, you can just as easily get every arcanite you need for anything from literally MINING, it’s not hard that complicated.

“Lots of complains about the BL change are coming from average people”

Yeah, this isn’t going to fly. BL should have never been as rare it was since it’s used for so much. It should have basically been the high end swift thistle.

The only people this hurts is the hoarders which is a win in my book. You know who it doesn’t hurt? The people who aren’t greedy and actually have many avenues of making gold, rather than relying on a gimmicky flower hoarded by bots and gold farmers.


I appreciate this change. Though it has had some effect on the black lotus market, it’s also had a very strong effect on the botter demand. You can /who deadmines\stockades\SM and see that it’s a full list of 50 people ever time, every group a 4-mage-1-priest comp. Before the change, this wasn’t nearly as prevelant. One can only assume its people power leveling to 35 to get 300 herb.

Here’s my proposal: Remove exclusive\unique black lotus spawns. Replace them with zone appropriate herbs (e.g. plaguebloom or icecap). Keeping the 2-spawn per 15 minute rule, give EVERY herb node a chance to spawn as one of the two spawns. It would be practically impossible to bot black lotus if these zones had hundreds of possible locations and would force people to actually farm.

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Why on earth allow any player in ghost form to see nodes, regardless of skill? This only benefits bots.


Still waiting on those details in the Hotfix Update…

Did you seriously just call the scepter a warrior need?

lol, now we’ve entered the territory of pure fabrication.

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just make getting lotus the same as a fel lotus in tbc with a chance to get one while herbing, people are already starting to spawn camp all the locations again defeating the purpose imo


The black lotus change is wonderful. Now can you please fix the queues?

If you want us to deal with queues, then why do Herod and Whitemane get their queues fixed but not others?

That would require the rewiring of thousands of Alliance players’ brains. I’m sure there’s an ethical issue there.

Don’t worry as the rewards become less and less lucrative even less alliance will be queuing for it and horde queue times will go up even more. Eventually horde will complain enough blizzard does something.

Could you please work on what you are going to do about double world bosses and mats for other servers we want compassionate thank you.

I haven’t seen any changes in WSG. Can you clarify exactly which of the exploit jumps I see the Horde perform every day has been hotfixed?

Blizzard isn’t going to do anything about it.