Black Lotus and WSG Adjustments

Yeah I can see that being a negative to another player.
Luckily I made sure to pick a more casual guild that doesn’t require flasking. Since I knew before hand I wouldn’t be able to commit the time for it. As well moved to a lower population server when the option was provided, as it was evident early on what issues where going to arise on an overly populated server.

Can you do anything about 7 minute AVs? Its super degenerate.

It is garbage like this, please give me gold because i was trying to make gold on vastly over priced stuff and you nerfed it so now i cant make gold.

Poor you! Lotus and for that matter crystals are way over priced (more so on over popped servers passing over 300g per lotus). For 2 reasons yes botters and farmers, but that’s not the biggest issue. Its that with vanilla like spawns you have enough lotus to sustain 4-5 raiding guilds PER WEEK that’s it.

Now take my server you have 3-5 ally guilds that are HC-semi HC, and about 15 horde guilds that fit that bill with at least 2 of them having 5 raids going per week that.

Please explain to me how you losing out on some gold or any of you neck-beards who camped right along side these “asian” botters (cause that’s not racist) is more important than the mass that would actually not like to wait in line to use consumes once the top 5 guilds on a server is done using flasks.

If you want a vanilla exp then you should have begged for 800 pop server caps (yes i know vanilla was 3k but if it was set to 3k youd have 3k on even at 3 am and it wouldn’t be vanilla like now would it. That being said vanilla like went out the door when you have on avg 1k on at 3 am on a thursday night, so your lotus spawns can go out the door as well.

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I know right

Very nice . Thank you ! I appreciate that for the WSG fix . I have already sent in a report for that .

I can understand normal players like you being upset that they lost from this change. I almost invested all my money in Black Lotus back in January, which I intended to hold till AQ or Naxx.

But I’ve also been saying for months that Blizzard will have to address the Black Lotus situation because it is going to snowball hard at AQ and Naxx. Black Lotus would have hit 300-500g by AQ alone, and might have hit 1k+ on some servers by Naxx.

That might have been good for you, but that isn’t Vanilla, and it isn’t fun. It would have caused a lot of people to quit come Naxx because flasks are more-or-less required. And no, guilds aren’t going to start stockpiling flasks nine months in advance just so there will be enough for a few weeks of Naxx progression(or any other ridiculous excuse to pretend there wasn’t a problem or to blame the players).

Blizzard made the right decision to increase spawn rates, not only are the servers much larger than Vanilla, but the entire situation was playing into the hands of gold-sellers, botters, multiboxers, and cartels. This change breaks their monopoly and gives every herbalist an equal-opportunity to get black lotus.

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100% Okay with this, i’ve literally never boosted anyone. Not sure what you’re going for here champ. Also while we’re at it lets take a look at heroic strike queuing and hunters soloing DM:T

i care waaaaaaaay more about the BL droprate than large servers having queues


The same could be said to you complaining about the price being to high and its too hard for you to buy it. simply because you don’t wanna spend the time to farm the gold or go get the lotus yourself.

This approach doesn’t resolve the problem, it simply undervalues the work that players have put into the game, well rewarding others who complained because they cant or don’t want to.

I think its too hard to farm PVP rank 14, so lets half the requirement and see how the current rank 14 players feel.

With lotus spawns at the original spawn of 1hr. A server would be able to sustain 16 full 40 man raids with a flask a week. Note this is also with that server starting at a count of 0. However, lotus have been farmed since September. So a supply is there fore the hardcore guild that require it.

Blizz allowing server populations to exceed vanilla numbers is definitely the leading cause to price increases on fixed spawn items like Lotus, Rares, World Boss’s ect…
However, Blizz put out a warning at the very beginning of classic advising of this exact problem.

  • players not only ignored the warning’s but pushed back at Blizz to increase the population cap even more.
    Blizz provided free transfers and further provided warnings with player congestion.
  • again majority of players refused to move and told Blizz to implement layering and increase server caps.

so staying on an overly populated server was a decision you made and there is nothing wrong with that. However, to then complain later on about issues due to overpopulation is interesting, especially when warning’s where given.

Then going into HC or semic-HC guilds. Well that too was a decision you made for yourself. Which again is fine if that is the type of game play you enjoy. But to use that as an argument on why specific items need to be made more accessible to benefit them is where you lose me?
A hardcore guild is just that, its hardcore. you are expected to put in a significant amount of time to maintain the status of your guild.

  • speed clears, world first, those are all things that hardcore guilds strive for. A hardcore guild should be pretty much prepared for AQ release already. they already know the lotus problem prior to classic release and have put plans in place to ensure they are 100% for the next raid release.

For myself and from what I’m hearing from other players in my situation, this isn’t really my issue with the change.
My opinion, I think the lotus price was getting out of hand and only going to get worse.
I think the majority of players in my situation are just feeling a bit cheated in how it was implemented is all.

  • I wish they had implemented the change unannounced, the players actually farming lotus would have been the first to notice the change and been less impacted but the end result to the price of lotus would have been the same.

Everyone plays classic for different reasons, some enjoy the leveling, some raid, PVP, explore, ect…

  • This time around I decided to just causally farm gold with a goal of reaching 5K.
    You would ask why I want to accumulate such a fortune, but I have no reason lol, I simply just enjoy running around and exploring. Finding a lotus always provided excitement and everyday I slowly got closer to my made up goal.
    With the announcement of AQ feeling like it could be any day, I started to feel more excited that I was going to finally complete the task I set out for myself.
    However, the announcement I log in to isn’t about the release of AQ, instead its about a change that effectively now cut my progress in half.

(as if a rank 13 player logged in to now be at rank 7 though they might be a lil more upset haha)

anyways, Just let us have a moment to morn our loss. Enjoy the cheap lotus and lets all just play the game.

Just to head this off before someone starts.
saying my farming lotus to just make gold is why I’m actually the problem.

There is a huge amount of mages boosting players to 60 for gold.

  • removing the time and effort it takes to level is adding more competition for end level materials in an expedited way
  • well at the same time making it easier for these players to control markets. resulting in the AH problems.

There are also increasingly more and more multi-boxers playing that can farm at 5+ times the rate of an average player.

  • also leading to the AH problems.

You then have instance farming, Botting, Gold selling, streamers.

All these have contributed to the disaster that is the wow economy.

Me actually playing the game and running around collecting flowers over the course of 4 months, i thought was the most legit way to work towards my goal lol.

For the HORDE!

Yeah the thing that can be done is called “server transfer” or just roll a new toon on a lower pop server. You knew layering wasn’t going to be around perminently.

Crying for layering to be turned on again is like crying you want “looking for raid” because no one lets you in their raids.

You chose a high pop server, now sleep in the bed you made for yourself.

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Yay, thank you!

I would disagree that people who have been hording BL are normal players.

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There’s no reason to need that much gold in classic, just because you sank all your time/money into a single market just means QQ learn how to branch out into other markets.

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You gotta diversify your portfolio.

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This is why you should diversify your investments. Not hold a single market hostage.


Someone hasn’t looked at the cost of making anything Arcanite related for a Warrior apparently.

TF - 10k-12k
LH Helm - 1500
Scepter of the Shifting Sands needs - 3500
Titan Legs are going to run 2k

And that’s just the warrior and Scepter quest stuff.

Yes, you need that much gold in classic.

Now just put an alchemy table in a major city xD

Boy am I glad I waited to start making flasks for guild progression in AQ. This just saved us a ton of money AND effort.

This will result in an experience much closer to the vanilla experience, so it has my full support.

Lotus already under 75g each. What a day.