Watering down the game for casuals sucks.
You losers need to go back to retail if you want “fair” systems that make everyone a winner.
Lotus was designed to be extremely rare and valuable, but you casuals just need to demand everything huh?
Watering down the game for casuals sucks.
You losers need to go back to retail if you want “fair” systems that make everyone a winner.
Lotus was designed to be extremely rare and valuable, but you casuals just need to demand everything huh?
Finally i can flask
It was never that rare in vanilla because there were fewer people on the realms to begin with. Higher population limits on classic without changing the spawn times means classic’s lotuses we’re far more scare than originally designed, thus the change we saw today. I’m shocked this still needs to be explained to people.
Why didn’t you roll on a low/medium pop server then?
People CHOOSE to roll on megaservers, then they CHOOSE to complain about the mega prices.
If people weren’t so stupid to begin with they would realise that by signing up for a mega server, mega prices is EXACTLY what they are asking for.
There are many, many non competitive Classic servers that need an injection of players from mega servers.
For the players who are apparently so fed up with mega servers and the price of things the perfect solution would be to transfer to a smaller pop server where these “problems” are not an issue.
The real problem here is people want to play on the biggest server with the most hype, then turn around and complain about problems that occur naturally in any scenario which has an over crowded environment.
The solution was never to “fix” lotus spawns, the players who don’t like mega servers should be the solution to their own problem and go play on a server that suits their particular playstyle.
Actually, the older design worked just fine because the population caps were lower, as well.
The increased spawn rates were necessary because of a change Blizzard made. They’re having to change things to fix the problems caused by their earlier changes.
Yes 10/10.
If the player base spread out like blizzard warned them. These types of issues would resolve themselves.
Leaving the true problem exposed with regards to bot farms.
As I understand it, going to a quieter server doesn’t solve the problem. Farmers create toons on those quiet servers so they have more access to the herbs. They then give them to a character which is transferred to busy server where the sale prices can be much higher. So you are just as likely to find the Lotus very heavily farmed on a quiet server for that very reason. That isn’t a player problem except that it is, because they have to deal with it. The problem is that Blizzard is somehow unable to contain bots and gold farmers specifically. It seems the only way they can is to make it more difficult for them to function, wherever they choose to go.
I haven’t read the whole thread to see if this guy ever proved he played in vanilla, but I can do it for them I guess.
“Earned scout at level 60”
They stopped giving rank titles after honor system 2.0. The date says 2009, but I am sure that is just when they logged into the character for the first time after achievements went out.
Scout isn’t very high, but it shows that they did play in vanilla.
As to the thread topic. I am glad they increased the spawn rates, just to upset the people hoarding the plant. I don’t flask, so it doesn’t really affect me one way or the other.
Scout is rank one.
Basically getting 15 hks in a week.
But people barely taking the Free Transfers off unless their friends / guild mates go so that would fix NOTHING! i welcome this change because i believe resources that were meant for 2k players server pop max should be updated to the 5k+ pop and higher realms. But i also think resources like this should be on a sliding scale based on your realms population so if the server has a mass exodus off the lotus spawns go back closer to vanilla levels this would promote more healthy competition from players In my opinion.
Get over yourself. Nothing but a big baby
Am I the only one that realizes that keeping lotus at vanilla spawn rates would be like if a football stadium was renovated to increase capacity but still only stocked enough concessions for the old capacity?
Now everyone’s arguing about who deserves nachos and hot dogs and “just because you bought a ticket doesn’t entitle you to a big soft salty pretzel” and people are sending their level 1 kids to keep an eye on if they’ve gotten any more chicken tendies yet.
Everyone just ignore the people complaining about the change. They are the ones who suddenly have to learn a new way to farm gold and can’t handle it because they are more than likely selling the gold they make. The servers will be a lot healthier with the people who view this game as a source of income gone
I have mixed feelings about this change of black lotus.
From a consumer perspective this is great news im glad blizzard is taking care of the elephant in the room. being there are herb spawns meant for 3k players with a population of 7k.
now from my perspective a Herbalist/Alchemist. Please read.
For months i have been fighting tooth and nail with gold sellers from south east asia who have made there career farming lotus and camping the auction house. you must take into consideration that the average pay for people in south east asia is $300 USD a year, convert the currency, imagine if you could sell 6k gold for $30,000 usd, how hard would you fight to pick a lotus or make a sale on AH?. i have been spending upwards of 10 hours every day Doing circles around Burning steps, constantly canceling and re-posting my flasks for sale that get undercut for 1 gold. i have put literal blood, sweat, and tears, into fighting these career gold sellers to build on my inventory of 40 flasks, and to have my net value wiped out in an instant by blizzard implementing changes to the game is devastating, i literally cried myself to sleep.
Please blizzard compensate players like me for the loss in value of our very very very hard work over months and months of grinding fighting tooth in nail with people making real money picking black lotus and undercutting on AH to make sales.
Blizzard really just needs to crack down on the gold sellers. People should not be making real money off a game economy. If blizzard had not made changes to increase the lotus spawns eventually the marked would have crashed anyway because 90% of the server population does not have the time to farm all day to buy a flask for raid.
Since this hotfix has been live, black lotus have stopped spawning all together on Thalnos in the Burning Steppes. Can you confirm that these “fixes” are working as intended? Several people working as a group in a zone should have at least seen a lotus in the last 6 hours.
I don’t think you realize the time and effort it would take to get 300 herbing on a 35. They can’t safely grind in Org like a mooncloth or xmute bot. They actually have to venture out and pick and pick in higher lvl zones.
Not saying it won’t happen but a lot less than you make it out to be.
You’re not alone, from browsing the forums this “hotfix” has Negatively effected quite a few players who where actually putting time into the game towards resource gathering.
That’s not at all true, the vast majority of people that I am seeing to be upset about the change are just average players.
My experience simply was that I put substantial effort into a game only for players who didn’t put in the work to be rewarded, with a change that severely diminishes what I did.
Any player in such a situation I would understand why they are upset.
Now is the change for the better, maybe. Hopefully it causes a reduction in gold selling and bots but I doubt it.
Now you may think, I’m part of the problem for hording lotus and I deserve to lose out on any profit. But that also isn’t true.
In reality I’m simply a casual player who decided to spend the past 4 months farming lotus and over 4 months of casual play. I acquired 10 lotus that I was hoping to sell as flasks come AQ and be happy I made over 5k gold for the only reason but to say I did haha
(Sure I probably could have spent the time just farming mob, and made faster gold lol but I enjoyed the rush of finding a lotus spawn. Since they where so rare)
But anyway it’s a game it doesn’t matter, in life we are all just wasting our time. Just this change caused me to feel like I wasted my time a little bit more now.
I am one of the people who found other ways to farm gold. Hell I farmed all the mats for TF in a months. I am also one of the people who has a ton of time to play this game (6-8 hrs a day) but most people do not have the time to farm like me. With future raids pretty much requiring flasks on tanks and some healers you put a strain on non hardcore guilds that is not sustainable. eventually people leave the game cause its impossible for them to progress. Want a healthy game? Don’t make it necessary for people to farm stupid amounts just to raid. I know people who literally don’t have time to enjoy a dungeon here or there cause they have to farm for raid