Black Lotus and WSG Adjustments

Well thats because they really dont have any argument as to why this is bad. Thats why they make radical assumptions and stupid scenarios like “jUsT pUt iT oN VeNdoRs”

because in reality this change is a good change for most people. For others it doesnt hurt or help. And for a very very very minor group including bots and BL hoarders, it hurts their bank account



There is a very good argument why it’s bad. If anything, there’s no reason to state why its needed. The only activity that really requires it is speed clears. That is a very small portion of players.

What it WILL do is set a precedent for further major changes. OR guilds will suddenly make people require it since its “just another consumable”.

Essentially, there are MANY solutions other than changing the game. How about we just get rid of bots? Why make large changes when a smaller more amicable one is available?

If you get rid of bots:

  1. LEgitimate farmers might lose some value, but they dont have to compete against bots
  2. Raiders obviously still get their flasks at a better price since theres no bots driving down supply
  3. No changers are happy since they’re not actually changing anything
  4. It also decreases queue times too! So other people benefit

Isnt this a much better compromise? Shouldnt we be asking Blizzard to suck it up and ban the bots instead and to actually enforce their TOS?

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I choose both. Kill bots and this change. BL were designed with OG classic server sizes in mind. They launched servers that had much bigger populations but didnt adjust the BL spawn rate to accommodate the higher population. So here it is. All the tears in the world dont stop this fantastic change

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Good for the Whiners, bad for the players who prefer Classic WoW


Okay. So wouldnt it be a bit better to… you know… make one change first, see if it actually solves the problem, then re-assess later? Right now, it looks like the pendulum is going to swing the other way to the opposite extreme. thats what people are worried about. Going from one extreme to another.

Classic wow was dead at launch when they used larger server sizes

looks like thats what theyre doing. They choose this one first

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Bottom line more players same lotus. Need more lotus

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Without a flask I can already exceed 1500 DPS (threat permitting, which is improving to that point with two TF tanks). You know what it goes up to with a flask? Not a point more. There is no melee DPS flask other than the extra health, which I should need only on progression. After that it does nothing for me and I’ll stop using them unless healing becomes an issue.

But it does do something for the casters sitting at half my damage. I’m all for that. I prefer that actually, to stacking 24 warriors for a speed clear. Let the casters play too. This change is a step in that direction.


Which is why this is stupid and why people are complaining. Remember! You DID say that “theres no good reason” why people oppose this change. In fact, there are VERY good reasons; you jsut choose not to look at them.

What I’m asking you to do is not to agree necessarily, but at least know why these big changes are rarely good for the game

The whole ghost disable thing probably would have been enough to fix the problem on multiple servers. If the lotus supply doubled, it still will be pretty rare considering the size of the servers.

All this did was break the mafia and give normal players a chance to farm them. Nothing wrong with that, unless they increase the spawn by 5-10x.


I see about 4-5 mad people over this. Very loud minority

I think theyre fantastic and long overdue.

Onslaught is on Ashkandi. The loudest Squeak gets the Grease.

That’s ironic since the only people that would benefit from these black lotus are speed clearers. THEY are in the minority if anything. I think this change came about because a STREAMER (aka not the majority of players) made this suggestion.

Not true. PvPers and people who enjoy parsing also very much enjoy this. It helps them and hurts bots and those who enjoy gouging the market

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Finally, as the announcement was made, lotus price went from 180g to 90g in a matter of a few hours… so glad it happened. Now need to increase the pop rate of rich thorium and arcane crystal cause we have many bot / foreign farmers on our server

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Played WoW Classic, for the Classic experience… This makes it more like Retail. Next will be Epic PvP gear for all PvP players. Then it just gets lamer and lamer.


Soooo still a very small minority? The only people who would flask for PVP are people pushing rank (another small elite) and people “Who like to parse” (aka, more elitists who are wanting to push rank on warcraftlogs).

comon you know it’s not true, if you want the classic experience you need the same amount of resources per person, we have way more population today then back in the days with the same amount of resources. farming is a lot worse than 12-15 years ago

Just going by the overwhelming positive respone on these forums and reddit id say its more than a minority

the 4-5 of the salty ones who support bots and market gouging will find new ways to hurt players im sure.