Night Elf Druid
<Average at Best>
Transferred from Hyjal, formerly <Casual>, <Sparkle Motion>, <Out of Order> and <Strife>
Any Lawn Pirates that want to play with some OG LP (Farbas, Bolo, Goauld)⌠we are playing on Stalagg-Horde.
Shoutout to anyone who played with us in Vegemite
Gnome Mage
Ready Check/Fallen Saints/Dying Breed
Gruuls Lair DST on reserved!!!
Hey from an old Vegemiter
Before that -=AoD=- in MOHAA
played with cyrin, alpha, mael, bluballs and flagra through most of icc. i may have tanked some of your ulduar runs as well for Ancient Legends.
Possumslaya. the bastard paladin.
Edit: probably still owe Wifeaggro some gold too⌠=/
Iâll say hello to Fal, spawn, darky, primed, lamagra, iba, tozz, morph, kits, cutter and anyone ive missed for you.
Sounds good, thanks.
I donât see anyone apart from Thaylor and Neika every few months as either they or myself take long breaks especially with BFA. Really looking forward to classic.
Anyone else from Virtuous (later renamed as Insidious) here?
I played as Mulefeb, a Gnome Warlock back in BC - went through a few guilds during the progression process (Shout-out to Kydrav / Duraeko of the Brotherhood btw) but called it quits after the break-up of Insidious.
New account now, but Iâd love to reconnect with some of the folks from back in the day.
Contender, Human Paladin
Rookie, Pancho, Cive, eXlax members, FH members
Kuresta, Human Paladin
Mostly raided/spammed FoL in BC
Ullen you sexy mo fo Michigan 97 over cornchuckers 97
also hi wifeaggro
Iâm Pun the Paladin from the same guild.
Inflatable - Mage
Deflatable - Druid
Reflatable - Lock
BamYou - Paladin
I was pretty active on WoTLK with , , and ended with , merging with Fires of Heaven (?) and TBA.
Yo, Its Diabloic I was a Human tank i used to run you gleeda and all them in dungeons back in the day.
Was wondering if you were still around. I was the hunter comanche in Exlax. Ran around with IBpriest if you remember at all. Whats up dude?
yeah im around, I do a carry stream on twitch as awetosis and stay active, how are u and ib?