Black Dragonflight Alliance Reconnections

Hell yeah what up dude.
Infernuser Dwarf Hunter here
Lets get the eXlax crew back together, you still out there Contender?


not too much. looking forward to vanilla coming back out. would be awesome to get a bunch of exlax back together

Revelous - Human Mage

Been too long to remember everybody but I’m sure there are some more out there.

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Both were Paladins.

Holy crap I forgot about exlax

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Yo! Dude hope you’ve been well.

For anyone interested - I rolled on Herod Alliance

I rolled Herod Alliance as well, feel free to add me on BNet if anyone is interested.


I also rolled Herod Allies.

Talked to Buddhist, he doesn’t want to play unless he’s going to make money off the game streaming or farming lmao.

Human Paladin
Strife/Fallen Saints/Dying Breed


Gollem lives!

Wifeaggro here.

Paladon (So Original rolls eyes) Used to play with my brother Zedek in a guild called The Faithful. I also remember someone named Moondancyr as well.

Damn, that’s a name I haven’t heard in years. I thought you quit the game in mid Wrath. This is Bricky. One of our five hunters.

Name: Nexxis / Meriogsh
Race/Class: NE Warrior / Gnome Rogue
PvP teamed wsg on Nexxis

Name: Ullenn - NE Druid, Penellope - Human Warlock
Guilds: Execute, Fallen Saints, Strife, Dying Breed

Hello to the thread!

Hey Vulcron, I think I was with you in Primeval on my Druid (Hellboyy), before the Shadowsong > Black Dragonflight merger. Shortly after that I joined Revoked where I mained my Paladin (Wonderwall).

Yeah man I recognize both of those names, and Theodora’s

Yeah man, now we just need Winterthorn and we’ll be all set on Druids d(^_-)b
Anyone seen that Cat around?

Haven’t heard that name in a loooooooooong time

YO its Lafours! Tell Pusuedo whats up. I need his number or IG. Same for you. I was hoping to see something about EOD! Great times. So glad you posted this.

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