Black Dragonflight Alliance Reconnections

In this thread, please post if you played WoW on the Alliance side of Black Dragonflight (US) in 2004-2006.

For best results, post what you remember about yourself and your friends you used to play with:

  • Your character’s name, race and class.
  • The name of your original guild on this realm.
  • The character names of other players you’re hoping to reconnect with.

Please stick with in-game info, and do not post IRL identifying information about yourself or others.

To quickly find if the friend or guild you’re looking for is listed here, use the Search function! Just select the magnifier icon on the top right – be sure to check “Search this topic” to limit your results to this thread.

Good luck finding your former mates!


Night Elf Rogue

Not looking for anyone in particular, just curious if I recognize anyone here or if anyone recognizes me.

hai m8s looking for gf


Night Elf Druid

Would love to know what happened to Robopriest

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Lol feels a bit like old times up here in this thread

Human Paladin
Dark Serenity

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Man it’s been so long. Looking for my Priest buddy Revanlora and other people I raided with. If you ran UBRS, you probably ran with me and my buddy tank Rooky.

Night Elf Priest
Osiris/Other guilds I cant remember

Silentpane NE rogue.
Hellz fury
I can only remeber a couple of names … shirune gleeda … tooters… looking for anyone from hellz fury. I dearly miss yall.


Wonderwall” the Dwarf Paladin and my wife “Theodora” the Dwarf Priest. Looking to reconnect with some of our lost friends & teammates. used to roll with a guild named “Revoked”

Hit me up BNET - ThatMrMatt#1525

Anyone from Ready Check, Dark Serenity, FH, Revoked or OTM here?
Lifes - Paladin
Above - Paladin
Revenge - Warrior


Yo! I remember you all, but I forgot my warrior tank’s name during content. I would tank with Shami.

Wondering if anyone remembers a Saberen human paladin from back in the day, I think I was with Midnight Shadows if anyone remembers, or something like that, it’s been a while

Quincie from FH before they went horde here.

Symantha, Symbiotic here from Vanilla / Burning Crusade times. Nice to see some familiar names.

Ohhh this is such a great idea from Blizzard.

Trying to remember here…

I played a human mage named Aerain, followed by a NE priest named Teara
If I remember right I was in a guild called “The chosen of Azeroth” which later merged with another guild to become “Illuminus”, at one stage we were offered a free xfer to the Black Dragonflight server (I think it was that server anyway) where a large number of us migrated and I ultimately ended up in “Pillars of the Temple”.

We had a really awesome PvP team setup with Shadowon and I think if I remember right we had Renae the rogue and a hunter called 6ixshot, any of you guys still around??

Ramara - night elf druid
Lundy - gnome warrior
I forgot guild names etc.

Night Elf Warrior

Don’t remember guild name from back then, I used to hang out in Durotar a lot dueling or running from an angry mob of Horde.

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Anyone remember fighting against an Undead Rogue named Rolos?

Rorian - Night Elf Rogue - original day 1 transfer to BDF from Shadowsong
Kombat Wombats
Hit rank 14 with what was called “the Marshal Premade” before the guild was formed.
Raided AQ40/Naxx with Coup

Used to be Sandstorm the human rogue in the guild < Shield of Azeroth >.

Night Elf Hunter
Dark Serenity
Raided through all BWL,AQ40 and much of Naxx