BiS preraid crossbow requires AV win

As a dwarf, would it not make sense to save up for a core marksman rifle? It’s BoE so you can get it outside of MC. it’s only 8 arcanite bars, and compared to items liek lionheart, sulfuron hammer, etc it’s not that expensive…

Or, you can simply raid with a guild that is selling the ancient leaf and buy it.

ohhh that thing looks wicked expensive tho

  • Horde bunkers are easier for horde to defend/retake

  • Bridge Choke isn’t one since horde has two backdoors that they use every game into DB. I’ve never seen alliance use this mysterious horde back door you mention.

  • congested elite NPCs? lol try again… You mean the NPC’s that we want access to but cant because horde is sitting on them in our base? Unlike the horde NPCS that are positioned away from the main path into base and are 100% untouched

  • Base GY flag outside of van? This is a horde advantage because it makes it almost impossible to re-cap… UNLIKE RH which is off to the side and almost out of view.

  • First contact with an NPC is an advantage?

Everything you list here is a has no effect on the challenge that horde faces in AV. You could sum up ALL those items you listed and their contribution wouldn’t cancel out just one of the horde map biases.

Lets hit just a few of those up.

  1. Horde start with IB GY in control. The most important grave yard in the game for alliance to win.

  2. Horde cave is so close that first contact occurs DEEP into alliance territory.

  3. Alliance who must hold IB GY have to run farther to assault it vs the starting cave… Horde can send 20 people per rez faster to IB GY then alliance can send 10 (Even with snowfal in alliance territory.)

  4. The most important GY for alliance has to be assaulted down a killing choke point, where as horde can re-take the graveyard with TP providing fire support. The close cave providing 2x the resurrections and NO choke point to deal with.

  5. SH GY can be assaulted from 3 directions. Alliance are put in a narrow killing choke that is designed to be AOE’d. Horde has building they can use for LOS.

  6. Alliance can’t assault SH GY because there is a another choke point at icewing bunker (The 3 methods to assault SH GY for horde are 1 way to assault for alliance and that one way is a choke point.

  7. The mid two horde towers are impossible to take when horde have IB GY. Unlike alliance mid two bunkers which are easier to take for the previously listed reasons dealing with SH GY.

  8. Galv >> Belinda

  9. Horde can exploit Van so when they do wipe his health doesn’t reset.

  10. 2 backdoors into DB allow a single mage to run to the flag, kill the guards and cap RH gy without pulling any NPC’s or dealing with more then a single archer.

  11. SP GY has 4 assault paths for horde… Alliance defending can be fired on from a raised possition in the Graveyard… AOE can be dropped down making it another easy GY to cap for horde.

  12. FW GY is out in the open allowing horde to maneuver around as needed to recap.

  13. Horde NPCs (blacksmith, druids, etc) are positioned such that horde can continue to access these NPCs even if alliance is in base because they’re moved away from the fighting… Unlike alliance

  14. Once SH GY is taken it’s almost impossible for alliance to get from SP GY through the previously mentioned killing choke point and advance south. It because a easy gate to lock with no way for alliance to bypass it.

  15. Snowfall graveyard is easier to get to from IB GY then alliance can from SH gy.

  16. Relief hut is positioned such that when fighting marshals it’s easier for rogues, druids, etc to retake it. No need to worry about AOE hitting you.

  17. Your riders are positioned closer to where warmasters are fought often causing them to be agro’d. Alliance war-riders are pushed back almost behind the bunker safely out of the way.

  18. Ice lord >>> Ivus

  19. Your war riders position themselves over alliance area’s often out of range any any attack. Alliance war riders can easily be assaulted from the high ground of horde base. (towers etc)

  20. Horde Towers are easier to defend/retake then alliance bunkers.

I’m sure I missed another 4-5 reasons AV is heavily horde biased.


I never got exalted in vanilla. Its not a big difference and its easy to get the bow in mc.

I don’t get why people are crying so hard over racials. They weren’t even an issue until mid tbc / early wotlk when players would flip flop to gain an advantage in ARENA.

Nobody cried about racials before arena because there was no point to.


Both bases have backdoors. Horde has so many LOS structures to protect from archers, and virtually ZERO NPCs outside of Drek’s building.

I see, because you refuse to recall horde are “sitting on top” of them. What does that even mean? One recall and fear bomb easily decimates entire horde pushes due to the proximity of your miscellaneous elite NPCs.

RH is out of the way of recalling horde. There is no way for horde recalling to get to that flag to even TRY to retake it without getting cut down. Your trying to paint your advantages as disadvantages is pathetic and childish.

First contact with the enemy is literally where you have tower and LT support. Yes, I would call that a friggin advantage. Once again, painting your advantages as disadvantages is comical, if it were not so utterly pathetic.

Why even bother discussing this with bozos who nonchalantly just handwave arguments aside on a whim?


Contact occurs at the north end of the FOS, right within range of SHB’s archers, if alliance does not veer west to avoid PVP.

Why are you not immediately heading to the GY outside of our base, which an infant could solo cap?

Again, IBGY is not “The most important grave yard in the game for alliance to win”. Repeating this falsehood is not winning you points.

At the beginning of the game the horde is coming from ONE direction. If you cannot wipe them as they are killing LTs and Balinda, then perhaps you should rethink your strategy and do some navel gazing. Also, once you decimate most of the horde force push, why are you not taking snowfall?

Ah, Alliance cannot defend SHGY because “iT cAn bE aSsAuLtEd fRoM 3 sIdEs”, yet when horde hold it, suddenly it is an impenetrable fortress. :roll_eyes:

Oddly enough, the horde are not everywhere on the map all the time, and those two towers are routinely capped by stealthers. Try again.

To defend Galv, horde have to go out of their way. To defend Balinda Alliance need only dismount.

Bubble pull.

Now you are just making up ridiculous superhero scenarios.

Your base is comically easy to defend with the flag placement and number of elite NPCs.

Holy christ, now you are suggesting that FWGY is an advantage as designed.

Aaaaand take longer to get to when recalling with mats, aaaaand so out of the way that they have no defensive value, compared to the alliance ones clustered directly outside the generals building. You are REALLY stretching now.

Riiiight. Except all of the times it is ridden through without dismounting, allowing a handful of alliance to take the southern objectives.

Horde do not take snowfall, outside of a goofball doing it just to complete the GY cap quest. Your ignorance is showing.

Indeed, that is a thing that happens all the never. Stop fabricating imaginary scenarios.

Why are our “riders” surviving their run to our base, when they all start out in your territory?

So rare as to be pointless to even bring up. As if alliance routinely turn in enough blood to summon Imus.

Good grief, how often do you actually see cavalry in AV. The reaching is at comical level now.

No, they are most certainly not.

I’m certain you can pull a few more imaginary reasons out of your nether regions if you push hard enough. If alliance put the effort into playing AV that you put into making up excuses, they’d be winning.

“Horde bunkers are easier to retake”

Stopped reading right about there. This guy ACTUALLY has never tried to take an alliance bunker getting shot by archers all the while.

He talks about bias but can not overcome his own bias in a discussion and admit that even SOMETHING is to the alliances favor.

Did you bother to read the part you quoted.

I said “re-take” That would be alliance trying to retake a bunker back… NOT horde assaulting a untouched bunker.

did you even read the part you quoted?

Your bunkers are easier to defend because you get fire support from your archers. You also have a wide open space for your ranged to shoot from every direction. We do not. Did you even read what you typed? Or think about what you were saying before you typed it?

It worked early in the morning’s I got a few premade games in but during the day it stopped working. morning was the best honor per hour you could get up to 25 people in the same av

Then you didn’t read my advice. BIS lists don’t account for racial abilities. You are a Dwarf with +5 to guns. Get a gun. A gun will always be BIS because it gives you a free reduction of 3% chance to hit.

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There aren’t really many slow guns out there, so that might need to be taken into account concerning rotation, but yes, racial +skill to weapons is extremely useful.

The racials have obviously always been wildly unbalanced (I won’t even play a priest or warlock alliance side)

It’s just arena really brought them to light

Because even most of those premades still had a 50 50 win rate you dummy.

Dwarven hand cannon is better and 80g on ah on my server at least

Sounds like you should have rolled alliance if we are so overpowered.

Or it sounds like you are a bad player that joined horde because you heard they have better racials and expect easy victories over us dumb alliance. Now because you get slammed in pvp the alliance must be OP…

Seriously L2P or join the OP alliance.

You sound jealous of my op warstomp racial.

Finally got it after idk how many games, but earned 70k honor in the process.

Really is a wicked crossbow.

Just under 2k Aimed Shot crits for a fresh 60 is love.

yeah maps fine yet blizzard moves your starting point further back in a later patch of wow