BiS preraid crossbow requires AV win

Isn’t that the very reason everyone rolls Horde for PvP? Racial advantage? Stop acting like Alliance premades seeking an advantage is any different than the advantage players were seeking when they all rolled Horde for the combination of racial and population dominance. Every player looks for ways to gain an advantage.

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You may not be but some of your teammates are and that is a fact

Blizzard need do no such thing, as the map itself is fine. All that needs done is it being repopulated as it was in early av.

Stop suggesting that the only way past ib is with a raid group.

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The only good thing about the second coming of premades (after the fix), was it weeded out afk’rs and bot’s. Essentially making the games closer to 40v40, whereas now its 25(ish)v40.

Cry more so your queues will become longer and longer. “boo, whoo alliance can by pass the solo queues cuz they are instant for them and not us”. You were warn about the faction imbalance months before Classic release.

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You realize that horde have racial advantage, multiple map based advantages, at this point gearing advantage, to say nothing of motivation advantage caused by long queue time right?

Premises were the alliance’s ONLY hard advantage.


Alliance has racial advantages.
Alliance has map advantages.
Alliance has PVE gear advantages.
To say nothing of the lack of motivation, but instead a severe victim complex that self perpetuates and is outright cheerled and encouraged by cowards on the forum.

There are a handful of forum posting alliance that I have respect for. The rest are hell bent on demoralizing their own faction ad nauseum, due to having their discord premade clownish crutch taken away.

pugs arnt on coms dur…dur…dur.

there were no complaints when you were ridding the coat tails of premade rankers and winning in 7m now you cant there is a problem right?

get good.

in wsg i can see that but not av much a group of 5 sure 30 man premades groups liek the alliance no.

nope the alliance are boring and whatyou see in most fantasy lore.the horde is everything bad about fantasy lore orcs.trolls.goblins ect.

This level of delusion is astounding.

Horde really are the rich white girls of the world saying their life is as hard as anyone else’s.

The fact you believe any of this shows you have a massive victim complex, you shouldn’t be chastising anyone.


people going 0-100 isn’t a lol skill issue.

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Get the spine Xbow from strat ud. It’s about the same and less painful to get. You’ll probably get a rhok faster than you’ll get an AV win. It’s a good xbow so don’t feel gimped. You’ll be fine raiding with it.

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Get ABB out of Scholo.


The fact that you are just randomly picking terms to insert into your sentences shows that you really do not have a stable argument to make.

Alliance can make lists of things that slow them down in AV.
Horde can also make lists of things that slow them down in AV.
The latter deal with it, while the former use their list as reasoning not to try. How utterly pitiful.

It is however a “lol lack of motivation and defeatist” issue. Your 40 man “teams” are now largely made up of individuals who have no desire to put any effort into the game, as it would just cause the games to be longer, and that attitude is contagious. Alliance are addicted to fast games.

The irony of this post.


There are plenty of good options other than bloodseeker, including:

Ancient Bone Bow
Flawless Arcanite rifle

If the difference of 1-2dps on a weapon is a game breaker, you’ve got different problems than your weapon.

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you know what. I could buy that at a 80-20 losing clip. at 0-100, this is a game issue.

If a large portion of your team is intentionally either alt-tabbing, or otherwise not even doing the bare minimum contribution, how is that remotely a “game issue”?


100-0, with vastly different players and compositions in those 100 games all getting the same result is not a afk issue. If there were not cross server bgs, you could have a point.

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Whyd you keep queueing? I did about 5 AVs and stopped, its a waste of time. Id rather level alts, farm gold and work on my twink.

the irony of yours did the alliance not do nothing but av premades at av’s launch and win in 7m???..yep