Literally can’t fix a loading screen bug
so this is what we are crying about today ?
what was the jenxo quote i live by?
“actually prev is 3400 so he knows how to deal with the loading screen bug and you clearly don’t stop complaining”
1900 boomkin btw xd
My argument was based on the premise that if their is a spec/class that is at high rating then it is literal evidence that the spec is viable and achievable of high rating.
How does that tie into ANYTHING I’ve just posted here?
Do you sit on the forums waiting for me to post only to copy paste my logical argument?
You’re Trash mate. Seriously. Get a life.
And if you really want to get into semantics. What spec currently is not able to reach high rating?
Ele Sham?
Enhance Sham?
WW Monk
I’m pretty sure what I said a few months ago IS STILL TRUE because it’s almost like I was 100% spot on. I’ve always said that I would need to get better if I wanted to achieve high rating.
Let’s see what spastic argument you come up with now.
BuT MISTweaVEr MoNK CanT REAch HIGh RAtiNG? 1 spec out of what?
without even looking i’m pretty sure everyone one of these classes has a player or a few players over 3k
get good you’re 1900 cause you’re literal garbage and wasting 15$ a month
contradicts everything that you said after it
shut up q up
I’m so confused right now. What contradiction?
My argument was and has always been that if you can’t reach high rating on a spec that is currently on the ladder at high rating then it is most likely due to your own player skill rather than game imbalance?
Am I wrong? Change my mind
basically the tl;dr to your thread rival rat
You stayed up to 12:29am in the morning to post on a thread that is about a loading screen bug?
How old are you? Genuinely curious. You seem really upset about something.
ya thats exactly it
i said this morning when i woke up “im going to stay up till 5:30 am because i KNOW jensxo is going to make his 51st full blown idiot post about how hes hardstuck a thousand games into 1800 in 2021 and i HAVE to be there for it”
What in blimey fook?
I didn’t complain at ALL about being stuck rofl? I queued tonight and happening to get a loading screen bug. That is far from complaining about being stuck.
Get over yourself kid. Seriously. You’re making stuff up and you’re making yourself look like a real fool.
Just so you can finally get some rest and you don’t need to worry. You heard it here first.
I am at 1900 rating because I am not a very good player. Can you believe it? I admitted that the reason I am low rated is because I am not a very good player. Who knew?
which one is it ?
just post “im stuck stuck 1800 and awful and fine with that” and i’ll stop holding you to your original post on your alt every time you whine
Fair enough. Guilty as charged. You got me. I’m trash bro. You can finally rejoice.
I’m not wrong about adopting the PvP mentality that it is most likely a player issue that is stopping you from reaching high rating.
I never once said it didn’t apply to me though. I am well aware that I need to improve to become a better player.
stop making threads complaining then
dcs and turbo aren’t why you’re number 93,931 on ladder
Yeah fair enough. You got me.
Probably still going to complain about the DC and loading screen bug.
Just had a quick look at your activity. Not sure if you’re trolling or not but for a 3083 rated player, you sure do whine about game balance.
i’m not the one who propped myself up on the “DONT COMPLAIN IF SOMEONE ELSE DID IT THEN IT’S POSSIBLE” idiot platform that you did
i don’t agree with that at all but ill hold u to ur own standard
moonkins are tanks
enhance is gross
warriors are gross
mindgames is bad for the game
ret is dumb
rogue mages that lose ever to anything are bad
and hybrid double wizard is 1000000000% easier to play than any double melee could ever be
never once pretended i didn’t feel that way
I think both of your arguments are stupid but I’m going to take Trash’s side because our names match.