Bilgewater Cannon Still Firing or No?

Didn’t Blizzard mention that the big ol’ cannon in Azhsara was going to be fired this expansion? Or was that just a rumor?

If true, the window for it to go off is getting smaller and it’s always been jokingly aimed at Stormwind.


This was the only thing I wanted for so long now. They said it would, but they have lied so many times I no longer believe it. I don’t think it’s ever going to be fired. :rage:


Probably not. With Gallywix backing Saurfang and Gazlowe becoming an increasing moral compass amidst the Bilgewaters, I don’t see a scenario where it fires in BFA.

Afrasiabi said they would fire the cannon, nothing about it being fired during BfA. It was in a response to a Q&A question at last blizzcon, and if you have ever seen Afrasiabi answer a question he tends to be glib and dismissive so I wouldn’t put too much stock into anything he says.


Celebratory firing at the end of the war and immediately followed up the unexpected explosion of all of Azshara. Nobody ever finds out what happened.


Maybe we’ll fire it at N’Zoth.


Tyrande’ll do it. She’ll march down to Azshara and fire it off because the Alliance won’t care about vengeance unless Stormwind takes a hit.


Hmmm. Ideal for a warfront?

Goblin heritage questline? Could conjure up some threat that we fire the cannon at.

Maybe not N’zoth, but a cinematic of it firing at some huge kracken would be badass,


If it is fired, it will likely be at something threatening Stormwind rather than at Stormwind.

Which is a shame.

When did that happen? Haven’t seen him since he was burning a lot of paperwork out behind the Horde embassy.


We’ll load all the Azerite into the canon and fire it onto N’Zoth.

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When I say he back Saurfang, I more or less mean he’s backing the most profitable person at the time. He backed Garrosh until it looked as though Vol’jin was going to win, and when the Kor’Kron outright started shirking payment. Gallywix likely burned his paperwork for the outcome in which Sylvanas lost - an outcome that came to pass.

Backing Sylvanas is no longer profitable for Gallywix. I shouldn’t say backing Saurfang though, I meant more of who Saurfang represents now.

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So you are just making an assumption based on Gallywix typically knowing when to get out of a bad business arraignment?

Fair enough.

I mean, yeah. Gallywix is a pure capitalist, and the person wanted by both sides is a bad investment.

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Well, it can be used to lay waste to Stormwind (maybe even fired by N’zoth or one of his pawns) or used against the final Big Bad this expansion.

It’d be great if either way it just fizzled out.

Most likely a Rumor. I’ve heard no such thing coming from anyone with actual connections to Blizzard.

I love this

That is going to look amazing remastered.


Blizzcon 2018 :

    Attendee: If we're getting Azshara, though, what's happening with the cannon? That's all I need to know. Are we firing that?

    Alex Afrasiabi: That’s an amazing- I asked that every day. Quite honestly.
    Attendee: What is happening with that cannon?
    Alex Afrasiabi: How do you make a big cannon and never fire it? Foolish. We’re going to fire that cannon.